Amazing Transformations

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         "Why do you bring the vehicon?" Lord Megatron inquired, looking to me with a mild interest. He only slightly recognized me, due to seeing me many times before, but he never paid much attention. I simply looked to the ground, not wanting to make optic contact.

         "She is of importance," Shockwave stated, and gestured toward the predacon, who had miraculously come back, of which I was glad. I walked over to him, and began to scratch just under his muzzle, to which he hummed in delight. Starscream grumbled as he held the rod at his side, ready to strike the beast if he decided to ignore the Seeker again. I find it unjustified. The poor thing just needs better treatment, that's all. He listens well to me and Shockwave, and Megatron of course, but that's a no-brainer. I giggled as he nuzzled into me, not even scratching my delicate armor, which I know is hard for him since he can be quite brutal when he wants to be. He stepped closer, swinging his tail, and I heard the horrid cry of a certain Seeker.

         "Watch your tail BEAST!" He hollered, hitting him with the metal rod, and I flinched at the strike of metal on metal, not expecting the clatter so soon. The predacon growled as he turned his giant beastly head, slowly, making sure not to hurt me, "Don't you growl at at ME," He was about to strike him in the head, but missed, and the rod was coming straight towards me.

     I closed my optics tight and waited for the hard blow of the metal rod, only to feel a pair of strong arms wrap around me, and the hard clang of a servo grabbing hold of the weapon. I opened my optics, hoping to find Shockwave to be my savior, only to find someone foreign... yet not... those optics...

         "I would suggest being more careful around one who is more delicate than most." The strange mech stated as he threw the rod to the side. Starscream gawked as he scrambled away on his aft, and I couldn't help but smile at the sight.

         "Are you unharmed?"

I looked up to the mech that now held me, and nodded, slowly, a thankful smile plastered to my faceplate. I felt my cooling fans kick in, a little late, or perhaps that's because of this stranger... wait...

         "Y-y-you're the-"

He gave me a soft smile, and released me after a long minute before turning to the two mechs still staring. I felt the intense gaze of my leader fall to me, and I looked to the ground, my pedes suddenly being the most interesting thing in the world. Shockwave called to me, so I quickly moved to his side, noting the soft nudge from his servo, to move me back a bit.

         "How is this possible?" Megatron questioned, and I spaced out as I looked to the mech, bigger than Lord Megatron, and frankly had quite the soft gaze. I caught him stealing glances in my direction, and I smiled every time he quickly looked away. It was cute, like a sparkling mech with a crush, but I don't think he would find any interest like that in me.

     We started to head out, and I followed close behind the receiver of my affections, listening every once in awhile, though most of the time I was rehearsing the medical and scientific knowledge I had accumulated in my own processor, going over the basics, and connecting them to more complex systems that I could think of at that moment. I enjoyed the Scientific profession, and was glad to be under the tutorage of Shockwave. I think he likes to teach me as well. He'll correct me when needed, help me if I need it, but only when I ask and cannot figure something out on my own, and sometimes we'll work on projects together, though the last one was the first with a living being. Between these experiments I often went to talk to the Predacon... I don't think he'll want to be called that anymore... I wonder what designation he'll want. It would be interesting to find out. They suddenly stopped, and I ran into Shockwave's back plates, several dents forming on my helm as I winced, and both him and the evolved Predacon looked to me, the bigger mech's concern more evident.

         "I'm fine," I muttered, stopping a  scratch from bleeding further just over my optic.

Obviously not believing me, the predacon lifted me up into his big arms, and I was practically engulfed by his frame, legs being the only thing visible as he cradled my aching and bleeding helm.

         "R-really, I'm fine," apparently I was still not very convincing as the transformed Predacon continued to walk beside the war lord, who looked to me with an ever growing interest. To be honest, for anyone to find a vehicon important enough to try and protect is quite the oddity. I just looked ahead, refusing to make optic contact.

     We made it back to the Nemesis, and I was dropped off at the lab, where Shockwave instructed me to stay while they left to talk of separate matters. I wanted to go with, but I knew my current injuries would only slow me down, and they'd leave me behind, or the Predacon would pick me up again, only to raise suspicion on Lord Megatron's side, and neither me nor Shockwave wanted that. Sighing, I went to treat the still bleeding wound. Looking in the mirror, I frowned at the wound, it being a bit deeper than I originally thought. The slow decent of blue energon traveled down my faceplate, and I opened a small cabinet that held a few rags, and dabbed the running wound until it was as clean as I could get it. I managed to stop the bleeding with another rag, and just taped it on, deciding that the most logical choice of action is to wait for Shockwave so he can properly fix it. I traveled to the back, where the office resided, doubling as my berthroom. I looked around, sighing as I realized there was nothing to do except study further, which I didn't really want to do, so I guess I could recharge for a time, I haven't for a while, so that would be wise. Perhaps it will help with this splitting helm ache that's been slowly growing. Laying down on the fold-out berth, I sighed once more, it was far to big for me, obviously meant for Shockwave and his bulk, but he never seemed to recharge, at least not that I know of. He probably uses a separate berth room found for him, away from the lab. I would ask if he gets proper recharge, but I don't want to pry. With one last sigh, I allowed my optics to close, their light dimming as I fell into what humans would call sleep. Before falling into unconsciousness, I wondered just what we'll do when the not-so-beastly predacon takes command of his brethren. 

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