Epilogue Chapter Six

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Within a month of starting at our new job, Grant and I were leading our own group. We welcomed new adventurers every day, and we were in charge of keeping them safe and giving them the experience of a life time. Jumping out of a plane three times a day kept us from ever being bored. Six months since being hired, and we were both flying higher than ever. Literally.

"Alright, we've just got the one group today," Grant noted as we got ready.

"You gonna tell me yet why it was so important that we leave early today?"

"Nope. Guess you'll just have to wait and see."

"Ugh. Fine." I sighed. "Okay, here comes our first and only group. Ready?"


I turned to greet our crew of adventure seekers, trying to ignore my curiosity about whatever Grant was up to.

"Hey guys! Welcome to Pacific Coast Skydiving! Who's ready for the adventure of a lifetime?" I asked.

The crowd of people cheered, and Grant joined us with a stack of safety gear.

"Alright, before we go up, we need to go over some safety stuff. Fun as this is, it's no joke, and the best way to have fun is to be safe," I continued.

Grant took over the briefing while I went to make sure the pilot was ready. After years of practice with me, he had the mentor teach-y thing down.

When I got back to the staging area, Grant had just finished helping everyone suit up.

"Alright, are we all ready in here?" I asked. Grant gave me a thumbs up as all the tourists nodded. "Great! Then LET'S GO!"

Everyone cheered and we headed for the plane. Our job was always easier when none of the customers were being forced to jump by friends or family.

We got up in the air quickly, and I could see the ocean out of the plane's window. We were over the drop zone.

One of the other instructors opened the plane's door, and I leaned over to Grant.

"This job never gets old!" I yelled over the wind.

"This was definitely one of the best ideas you've had."

I smiled, then turned to link up with the person I was jumping with. She was young, and she looked beyond excited.

"Is this your first jump?" I asked.


"Are you excited?"

"Hell yeah!"

"That's awesome!" I laughed. "Maybe one day you'll be doing my job!"

"Oh my gosh, that'd be a dream come true!"

"Dude, go for it! Keep practicing, the world needs more skydiving instructors! What's your name?"


"Nice to meet you, I'm Samantha!"

"Nice to meet you too!" She smiled, and then it was our turn to jump.

"You ready?"

She nodded eagerly, and we leaned forward until we were falling through the air.

"Woohoo!" I yelled. The wind ripped the words out of my mouth, carrying them away. The air rushing past on all sides was the only sound you could hear when you jumped, which meant I couldn't hear any of the first-time jumpers screaming.

Judging by their faces though, they were yelling at the top of their lungs and having a blast.

We fell for a while, then finally, I pulled our chute. The noise of the wind died down, and I could hear Angelica scream-laughing.

Saving Grant WardМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя