Chapter Twenty-Nine

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A/N: Hey guys! As you may or may not know, nominations for the 2017 Marvel awards are ongoing so if you get the chance please check out he categories and nominate me if you feel I deserve any of the categories. No pressure, just want to get my story out there 😄❤️❤️


I walked all along the hallways, trying and failing to find Grant. I just hoped he wasn't still on the bridge where I had no hope of getting to him.

Finally, after multiple sweeps of the hallways, I decided to just wait outside the deck. I needed to see Grant immediately.

To my relief, it wasn't long before he came out.

"Grant, we need to talk," I said, pulling him away as soon as possible, "Also, we need to get emergency cell phones that aren't SHIELD comms."

"What? Why?"

"In case there's an emergency and I need you or you need me right away! It'll be for emergencies only, like the Batphone, so if it rings we'll know to pick up."

"Samantha, are you ok?"

"No! I'm not!" I exclaimed, pulling Grant into a closet just off the hallway. I didn't want Fury or anyone else finding out what I did, and I was still so shaken that I only wanted to talk to Grant.

"What happened while I was on the bridge?"

"I ran into Captain America in the hallway trying to force open a secure storage door."

Grant rolled his eyes, looked pissed. "And let me guess, you helped him and got caught, and now you need my help to keep you out of trouble with Fury?"

"No! Grant this is serious!" I yelled, shaking him, borderline hysterics. He immediately changed his attitude.

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry. I didn't realize. Keep going."

"I asked him what he was doing and he said he thought Fury was hiding something and he was trying to find out what. I decided to help him and because I was bored I followed him into the storage area. We found this crate and I picked the lock and when I opened it there were old Hydra weapons and gear inside!"

All the color drained out of Grant's face and he looked completely terrified.

"Why would those be here?" he asked slowly.

"Steve said he thinks Fury's going to use the Tesseract technology to make weapons. Instead of clean energy, he's going to make weapons Grant! He lied to the whole agency and now he's using Hydra stuff!"

Grant took a few breaths, looking slightly calmer.

"Ok, ok, so what have you done since then?"

"Nothing! Steve went to go call Fury out and he asked me to keep SHIELD honest, which I'm going to try to do, but I'm not sure how! Or where to start! Or even who to trust!" I exclaimed, leaning my head against Grant's chest, "Anyone we know could be hiding this stuff from us. Anyone."

"Alright Samantha, look. It's a secret agency. Secrets are a fact of life-"

I snapped my head up, cutting Grant off mid-sentence. "I know but not like this! Not using dangerous, experimental technology and Hydra research!"

Grant put his hands on my shoulders. "Samantha, you need to calm down. If you want to start keeping SHIELD honest, work up the ranks. The higher our levels, the more we get to hear about."

I closed my eyes and took a breath. "Grant, none of us are ever going to be level tens, and Fury could have been the only one to know about this. He could keep anything from anyone until it's too late."

Saving Grant WardWhere stories live. Discover now