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Hey guys! That was our last chapter!!!! I've had so much fun writing this story and exploring these characters, this is one of my favorite fandoms and it's been awesome to live in this world for so long. Thank you to everyone who's stuck with me on this journey, for all your comments, votes, and reads. You guys mean the world to me. I might write a sequel, because someday Grant and Sam definitely come back to SHIELD. That might not be for a while though, because I've got a crazy busy schedule and a few other ideas I want to write, too. If I start posting a sequel, I'll put the announcement here so it's easier for you guys to hear about. Thank you again for everything, and I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Lots of love ~ CaptainSophieStark

Saving Grant WardOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora