Epilogue Chapter Five

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Grant and I went straight to the airport and took the first flight out. We got home late that night, and crashed without even changing into pajamas. It had been a long day.

The next morning we woke up late, bright light filtering into the room. My head was on Grant's chest, and I could hear his heart beating, which always calmed me down.

"Morning sleepy head," he said, still sounding half asleep himself.

"What time is it?" I grumbled.


I laughed. "I think that's the latest I've slept since I joined the academy."

"Nope. You were out until two after Siberia."

"Oh yeah. Still, this is kinda weird." I paused. "What do you think the chances are that I'm not fired?"

"You left without telling your boss and haven't showed up today."

"Yeah... it's not looking good, is it?"

"We're back on the same job schedule again," Grant sighed, then sat up, rolling me off of him.

"Ugh," I groaned, face planting into my pillow. I didn't want to get up yet. I didn't want to look for another new job.

"Come on Slater," said Grant, walking around to my side of the bed. "Time to get up. We have stuff to do today."

"No," I whined, my voice muffled by the pillow.

"Come on. Don't make me wake you up the hard way."

"Ha. You can try, but I'm immune to earthquakes now. I'm not moving."

Grant sighed. "Alright. I warned you."

Before I knew what was happening, Grant had scooped me up and thrown me over his shoulder, heading for the bathroom.

"Oi! What are you doing?"

He didn't answer. I jabbed him in the back with my elbow, but I didn't want to hurt him, so it wasn't hard enough to make him drop me.

We got into the bathroom, and Grant dropped me into our bathtub that doubled as a shower.

"What are you-?"

Before I could finish, Grant had reached over and turned on the shower, soaking me from my helpless position laying in the tub.

"Grant!" I yelled, gasping at the shock of cold water hitting me in the face.

"Sorry Slater." He had a grin on his face and I could tell he wasn't sorry at all. "I needed a new way to get you up and moving. And I did warn you."

"Uck, you're a jerk. And you underestimate my power to nap anywhere I want," I said, closing my eyes and leaning back in the tub. I did my best to ignore the water still hitting me and tried to look comfortable.

"You're kidding." Grant paused, clearly expecting me to get up. I didn't. "Come on Slater, get up."

In response, I made fake snoring noises.

Grant let out a long-suffering sigh.

"Fine. I guess I'll see you in the kitchen when you decide to get up."

I waited until he closed the door, then I opened my eyes again. Because I was stubborn and officially committed, I made myself wait ten minutes before getting out. I did turn up the water temperature though.

Once I'd waited long enough, I turned off the water and walked into the kitchen, not bothering to dry off or change out of my sopping clothes. I was gonna get revenge on Grant now that I was completely soaked.

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