Epilogue Chapter Three

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A/N: Just a reminder in case anyone forgot, large chunks of text in bold are Grant's POV 😄


"You're fired!"

I clenched my fists and took a few deep breaths to try to calm down. I was getting seriously frustrated.

Without a word, I left and headed for home. I wasn't in much of a hurry, since it was the middle of the day and Samantha wouldn't be home for a few hours.

We hadn't found anything we could hold down. Six months later, and Samantha and I were caught in the same loop of finding a job, being hired, and finding another job.

I was at the end of another loop.

I dumped my stuff on the kitchen counter and collapsed onto the couch, hoping some TV would calm me down. The news was on, and I almost changed it, but I froze when I saw a familiar face.


After overcoming my shock, I dove for the remote to turn up the volume. My oldest brother had become a senator, and usually I managed to ignore him, but tonight he was front and center.

"SHIELD is a terrorist organization, and they should be treated as such," he ranted.

I felt my hands clenching into fists again, but this time I didn't try to calm down.

"Is that what you plan to speak about at the UN's emergency session tomorrow?" asked the news anchor.

"What I plan to do is lay out a proposal for a multi-national police force that will target those suspected of ties with SHIELD using any and all means necessary."

The news anchor started talking again, but I couldn't hear him. I stood, my resolve hardening into steel as I went out the door, not bothering to turn off the TV behind me.

Christian was threatening SHIELD, and since Samantha and I were only temporarily retired, a threat to them was a threat to us. Christian had the power to destroy everything Samantha and I had built, and I wasn't going to let him.


"Grant! I'm home!" I called, closing the door behind me with my foot. I saw a box of all his job stuff on the counter, so I assumed he was somewhere else in the apartment trying to calm down.

As much as it sucked that Grant got fired again, at least we were finally off the same fired-hired schedule.

"Grant? Where are you? We need to decide what we want for dinner."

I turned around to look at the TV, which was still on. Grant probably just ran to the bathroom, but then again he hadn't answered me when I called. I was starting to get a little worried.

I checked the bedroom and bathroom, the only two rooms I couldn't see from the doorway, but he wasn't anywhere to be found. I pulled out my phone to call him, nervously pacing back into the living room.

The phone rang again and again and again, until I got Grant's voicemail. My heart was beating painfully in my chest as the dial tone sounded.

"Hey babe, it's me... I just got home from work and I'm not sure where you are," I said, trying to stay calm. "I'm a little worried, since all your stuff is here but you're not. Please call me as soon as you get this."

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