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"Hey, guys!" Mia squealed and I glared at her. "Did she have lucozade this morning or something?" I question and Lexi shrugs. Noah sits on the couch and drags me with him.
"Will you stop it?" I groan. "You saw me less than 12 hours ago!" I complain but Noah keeps his hold on me strong. "Clingy." Lexi mutters and Noah's eyes shoot up. He's firing daggers put of his eyes towards Lexi. I plant my lips on his and he softens. Her breaks the kiss and kiss my forehead softly. I smile and cuddle into his embrace.


Mia and Lexi take a separate car to us. I get into my car with Noah next to me. I start driving and he leans over and starts kissing my neck. I try to ignore it but my body doesn't listen to me. "Noah," I gasp. "Please stop."
"You want me to continue princess?" He growls huskily and I try to keep focus. "You're never leaving me. Ever."
We finally reach school and he stops. I leaned in and kissed him hard before walking out of my car and throwing the keys to him. "Lock my car for me babe." I say and walk out with my phone to my locker.


"Maddy! You and your boyfriend need to keep it PDA!" Lexi yelled in the corridor while I was getting my books from my locker. "Will shut the fuck up Lexi?" Mia growled and we both stared at her. She was gripping on her phone while angrily punching her fingers into her phone.

"I'll talk to her later." I mouth to Lexi and she nods. She starts shaking with her eyes brimming with tears. "I have to go." She mumbles and runs off. Mia looks up and rolls her eyes and is about to walk off. "Where the fuck do you think you're going?" I ask her and she stops before turning around to face me. "I haven't had a good day ok?!" She yells and I scoff. "So you had to yell at Lexi because?" I ask and she tries to keep a straight face but is still glaring at me.

"Listen, I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you but you need to stop. Don't take your anger out in other people. When you fix your shitty attitude, come and find me." I finish before slamming my locker and walking off in the direction Lexi was running in.
I walk into the bathroom and find Lexi. There's blood seeping down her arm and her face is in tears. She has something glistening and shiny in her hand. "Lexi." I gasp and she can't bring herself to look at me. I run to the nearest toilet and pull out some tissue. I run towards her and cover up the wound.

She collapses into my arms and I hold her tightly.
She drops the knife and whimpers an apology. "Lexi, please don't leave this soon. You have your whole life." I blurt out, tears running down my face.

Mia briskly walks in on her phone and looks up. She eyes the blood everywhere then the knife on the floor and finally the bloody tissue covering up Lexi's wound. Her phone slips out of her hand with a smash and she's unable to speak. "Lexi, I didn't-" She starts before Lexi screams "Leave me alone!" and runs out of the bathroom. I run after her and into the corridor. I bump into Noah and he has a concerned look. "Lexi's hurt." I say and run off and find him following me with Luke.

We run out of the school doors to find her lying in the parking lot, covered in blood and unconcious. "Shit." I whisper and Luke has her in his arms. The wound is visible and is deep. "Who the fuck hurt her?!" Luke roars and I flinch with Noah holding me. "She did it to herself." I whisper before more tears start spilling from my eyes. "I-I-I can't lose her as well." I say in between sobs. Sirens and heard faintly in the distance and ambulances pull up around us. People dash out of the truck with medical kits and a stretcher. Luke gently lifts her up and places her onto the stretcher. He kisses her forehead but Noah doesn't notice.

I eye Luke's behaviour around her and it clicks in my mind. After the ambulance disapears, I grab Luke's arm and pull him to a corner. "You know something. Spill." I say and he sighs before running his hand through his hair. "I broke up with Mia earlier today because I told her that I have feelings for Lexi." He says. "Mia snapped at her today and when I found her in the bathroom, she had a knife on her and had already cut herself." I say quietly.

"I think always liked her, I thought I had feelings for Mia." He says in irritation. I put my hand on his shoulder. "You need to talk to Mia because unless her attitude disapears, I'm not talking to the bitch." I say firmly before stalking off back towards the school doors.

The rest of the day, I ignored Mia and sat at Noah's table. I didn't speak or eat for the entire lunchtime, only to Noah. "Baby, you have to eat." He coaxes, rocking me while I sit in his arms in front of his friends. They don't seem to mind. I shake my head and he kisses my forehead. Lunch ends and he drops me to my last lesson which drags on for ages. "Can Madison Thompson please report to the principal's office immediately." The loudspeaker sounds and everyone turns their heads to look at me. As I walk to the door, I can feel Mia's eyes on me but I don't turn back.

"Hello, Madison. I wanted to talk to you about Alexis Walker." The principal starts. He drops a clear bag with the bloody knife inside of it onto his table. "With all due respect, it's not my right to tell you. Personally, I had no idea she cuts and it's obvious now because of the various scars on her arms. I also have no idea why she did it today. She had an argument with Mia Winters in between 3rd and 4th period today and ran off. I walked into the bathroom and found her leaning against the sink with that knife in her hand and the open cut on the other. She ran off the parking lot and we found her laying unconcious on the ground." I explain calmly.

He nods as he writes down what I told him and sets his pen down. "I know you're not set to cheer because of your injury which I hope is slowly getting better?" He asks and I nod in agreement. "I need you to cover Lexi's cheer practice today, if you can." He asks. "Yeah, I can do that." I reply before getting up and walking to my lesson.

I walked back in and saw the most surprising thing ever.

You're Mine, Always and Forever Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz