Chapter Twenty

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Be prepared for some cliché drama that will most likely annoy the crap out of you 😂😂😂


Chapter 20

I grabbed Alex's hand and laced our fingers together before gently tugging him into Sephora.

I obviously wouldn't be able to afford anything, but I do enjoy window shopping.

"Ooh, I love this color!" I exclaimed, grabbing a light pink lip stick and pulling Alex's hand towards me.

I swatched it on the back of his hand to see the color on skin.

It looked great. But if looks could kill, Alex would have be buried six feet under by now.

I grabbed a liquid eyeliner and went to test it on him just to tick him off, but he had dissapeared.

My eyebrows furrowed together quizzically as I searched through the store for him.

"Alex?" I shouted, hoping to hear a response.

When I found him, my jaw slacked and my eyes widened.

"What the heck?" My mind was racing when I saw his lips on another girl, her arms wrapped tightly around his neck.

My mind started racing even faster when I saw the girl he was kissing.

"Sierra? I'm going home." I mumbled, turning away and blinking to keep the burning tears from free falling.

"Violet wai-" I held my hand up to silence him.

He grabbed my wrist, but I yanked it away.

He didn't deserve to be anywhere near me.


Alex's POV-


I swear I had no personal part in this! She grabbed me and pulled me in against my will no matter how hard I tried fighting.

She knew Violet was here, and she knew if Violet saw us kissing, she'd break up with me.

That little rat!

I went to chase after her, but Sierra wrapped her cold hand around my wrist, digging her pointed acrylic nails into my skin, leaving definite bruises and scars.

"Let go of me." I seethed, ripping my arm out of her grip.

Her eyes started welling up with tears, and one slowly slipped down her cheek.

Is it bad that I chuckled at this?

I didn't bother stopping as I ran after Violet, my heart pounding fiercely against my chest.

I couldn't stop thinking that Violet might not forgive me; she may remain mad at me forever with no chance of forgiveness.

Was this my fault? Should I have slapped Sierra?

I shook my head, ridding myself of any negative thought and focused on chasing Violet.

She had dissapeared from view, but I figured she probably went home.


Violet's POV-

I couldn't go home because he'd know to look there.
So I came to the only other place I knew.

I walked to the centre of the beach where the seashells were still sprawled out in the sand messily.

You couldn't read what they had said anymore though.

I sat in the sand, burying my face in my hands as I sobbed quietly.

The beach was empty, so I didn't have to worry about being seen.

Why would he cheat? Especially with that snake?

My heart was beating so loud I could hear it, my throat had run dry, and my stomach was churning.

His lips pressed against hers made me feel physically sick.

What the actual heck happened?


Someone gently tapped my shoulder, waking me from my day dream.

My gaze snapped up to meet a pair of electric blue ones that wowed me.

He looked to be about a year older than me. He had messy black hair that stuck to his forehead because he had been swimming.

His face was decently defined with sharp cheekbones and a sharp jawline.

He was definitely toned and was wearing a white T-shirt that clung to his body.

He had a towel wrapped around his neck.

"Are you alright love?" He inquired, taking a seat beside me in the burning, golden sand.

I nodded, offering him a pathetic excuse for a smile.

"You don't seem alright." He sighed, but he didn't push any farther.

He sat there beside me for what felt like hours, but it had only been mere minutes.

"Why are you sitting here with me?" I asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

He was most certainly attractive, but his intentions were unknown.

"Because you seemed lonely."


Hey guys! I know this chapter sucked, I'm sorry!

Don't forget to comment and vote 💕🔥


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