Chapter Sixteen

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Omg! We made it to 500  ♡♡♡


Chapter 16

The four of the boys and I went to dinner at the diner around the corner.
I invited Zach to tag along, but he said he wanted to call Meghan.

I couldn't help but do a little fangirling.
After Alex and I, Zach and Meghan is my OTP.

Their ship name should be either Mack, or Zeghan.

Ours should be Valex...Right?

"What's on your mind?" Alex queried, bumping his shoulder with mine to catch my attention.

"What? Oh-nothing." I chuckled, taking a sip of my sprite.

He looked unsure, but shrugged and continued his conversation with Jake.

"I'm glad to see my trickery payed off." Ashton smirked victoriously, and I rolled my eyes.

The corners of my lips started twitching upwards into a smile.

"Thanks Ash, I appreciate your meddling," I gave him a side hug.

Alex was on one side of me, and Ashton was on the other. Noah and Jake sat on the opposite end of the table.

"No problemo, anytime Vi." He smiled,  just as the waitress brought out our food.

How they manage to balance that much on their arms, I'll never understand.


"I wish you didn't have to leave tomorrow." I muttered to Zach.
The boys went home, and mom was still at work, so it was just the two of us.

"Me too baby sis. But we're gonna make tonight rock. Go find some Disney movies, and I'll run to the store and grab some candy!" Zach grinned, grabbing his keys off the counter.

"Sounds great." I chuckled, turning to go into the living room.

I flipped through our different DVD's trying to find all the Disney movies we had.

I pulled out Moana, Frozen, Tangled, and more.

It had been so long since Zach and I spent the evening watching movies.
I missed spending time with him.

I constantly worry about him being away; so much could happen, at any given moment.


The two of us were sitting on the couch with a grocery bag full of candy.

I pulled an M&M out of the fun size packet and dropped it on my tongue.

I rolled it around my mouth until all the candy coating had dissapeared, and then I chewed the melting chocolate.

Is it weird that I do that?


"Let it go! Let it go! I'll rise like the break of dawn!" Zach and I sang in harmony.

Well, more like shouted completely out of tune and not in sync whatsoever.

"You're a horrible singer." Zach pointed out, wearing a goofy grin.

His jet-black hair hungover his face, strands of it falling into his eyes.

His electric blue eyes held an intense power that made you coward if you looked into them.

"Shut up! You do too." I muttered, mock-pouting.

"Did I hurt your feelings?" He teased, poking my cheek where my small dimple forms.

"Yes you did," I whined playfully, before punching his arm.

"Ouch! Quit working out Violet." He grumbled, rubbing his arm, and I let out a laugh.

"You're such a baby."


I laid in bed, drifting into a deep sleep.
My chest felt heavy and my eyes were automatically shutting.

Suddenly I was awoken by a light tapping on my window.

I groaned, sitting up.

Normal girls would be terrified that someone was going to kill them if they opened the window. But not me, I'm not normal.

Alex can definitely be a cliché romantic if he wants to be, so I wouldn't put this past him.

I gripped the end of the window and pulled it open, revealing the faint shadows of Alex's facial features.

"What are you doing?" I grumbled quietly, not wanting to wake mom or Zach up.

"I couldn't sleep, so I decided to come annoy you." He smirked.

"But I could sleep!" I whined, crawling back into bed and pulling the blanket over my head.

Alex yanked the blanket off my head, revealing my messy bed-head and dark under-eye circles.

He gripped my arm and gently pulled me up.

"Why did I agree to be your girlfriend?" I laughed.

We ended up spending the rest of the night watching movies on my laptop and finishing off the candy Zach bought.


My goal was to make it to 500 before the 16th chapter.

We did it, we made it to 500 ♡

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