07: Man Of Your Dreams

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Chapter 07:
"Man Of Your Dreams"

By: Hillary Duff

For better effect, please play the video once you saw this in the middle of the scene: (♥)

[WARNING: Slight Smut. A Lime, Maybe?]

P.S: Please don't kill me for this, it's not too sexual. I swear.

( Hanji's POV )

Location: "(L/n)'s Residence"

"Hmm... Hmm~ Put the lights down low and kiss me in the dark~! Cause when you're touching me, baby I see spar-... Huh?" I joyfully swayed my hips while humming and sing a certain song as I walked out of my room towards the kitchen, but my little concert was been interrupted when a familiar stuff caught my attention.

It's Lady (Y/n)'s smartphone and its screen was blinking, I think there was a message or call for her. Nah... She better pick it up by herself.

"Mom, we're leaving!"

"Oh Lord!" I jumped up as I heard her voice from the leaving room, farewelling to her Mother.

What, she's leaving without her phone?! This is not good. She have to be with her phone all the time, just in case she left somewhere without Levi by her side.

Her phone was the only thing that we can use to detect her from anywhere, since she always kept her phone by her side and Levi got the opportunity to put on something on it so we can use it as a tracking device, so she have to be with it!

"Eeek!" I didn't hesitate to grabbed her phone above the kitchen counter, rushed out to of the mansion's main door and bring the tracking device phone to her, but...

She's already out of sight.

"ERGH!!! DEMMIT HENJI!!!" I cursed out to myself while stomping my foot on the ground like a kid who got missed the ice cream truck, then I immediately stopped at my tracks when I saw someone's motorcycle and with that a usual grin appeared on my face.

"It's Showtime." I whispered while eying the all known vehicle as if it was my prey.

Well... The adventure starts again.

"Hey Horsey, am gonna borrow your motorcycle!" I exclaimed, already riding his precious vehicle without any permission.

"Huh? Uh, Okay.... OI HANJI SAN?!!" He called out and chased me from behind.

"See Yah Later Neigh Neigh!" Woah I like that new named of him Hahah! I waved my hand, not looking back at him and ignoring his protest as I proceed to make my way to find (Y/n) along with Levi.



As I rode down the street towards the place where those kids are studying, some people noticed my weird existence... Well, yeah.

My weird existence.

C'mon people is this the first time you saw a badass maid wearing its uniform while riding a fabulous motorcycle?!

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