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♪-Chapter 37

                                                           Find light in the beautiful sea

                                                                    I choose to be happy

                                                                       You and I, you and I

                                                                   We’re like diamonds in the sky

            “This is really happening,” I whisper, squeezing his hand tight.

            He smiles sadly at me, glancing down at his lap.

            His Breaking Benjamin T-shirt lays tight against his body and I tug on his shirt, getting him to look at me.

            “Hey, don’t worry about it, it’ll be okay.”

            pulling me closer, his lips centimeters from mine, her kisses my nose. “I know it will be.”

            The hospital smells like disinfectant wipes and alcohol, the bleached tiles reflecting light off into my eyes.

            Today was one of the checkups that Teegan had to undergo in order to make sure he was eligible for the surgery.

            So far, everything I heard from the doctor did nothing to clam my nerves.

            Highly risky but split 50/50. It doesn’t work on everybody…


            So 50 as in he will be able to hear and 50 that he won’t be able to hear. The doctor said there was a higher risk involved because of brain surgery.

            Even though Teegan wasn’t saying anything about it, it was obvious he was worried…scared even.

            A rubber bandage thing is wrapped on the left crook of his elbow for the blood test he received minutes ago.

            It was hard to believe he was really going through this.

            As we sit in the empty patient room, waiting for the doc to come back, Teegan hasn’t stopped pacing.

            He didn’t stop pacing until I grabbed him and pulled him down to sit on the bed with me, the hospital bed creaking with our weight.

            “Will you still love me if I go….” Teegan trails off, his out of the blue question startling me.

            Staring into his steely grey eyes, a raving kind of desperation set in them, I feel a weight plop into the center of my chest. Trying to look strong, Teegan sits there, vulnerable and scared to death as he waits for my answer.

            Sighing, I wrap my arms around his neck, as he pulls me so close to him I am nearly sitting on his lap.

            “You already know the answer Teegan,” I murmur. “I’ll love you to the moon and back. Going deaf won’t change a thing about how I feel about you because you’re sweet, loving and you make me feel like I finally have something that they can’t take away. You’re my love.” I blush, saying the words quietly.
            I stare into his eyes, his silver orbs pooling into something resembling a constellation up in the sky. He really was like the sky. My eyes trail down his handsome face, running over his perfect lips.

Finding Aria (Wᴀᴛᴛʏ Aᴡᴀʀᴅs 2013)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant