author's note

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Authors note-

   Hey everyone, sorry to disappoint but this isn't a new chapter i just really wanted to insert an note and talk to you guys,

    First, i am extremely grateful for all you people who support me works- exspecially Finding Aria. You guys have no idea how happy i am to get a message saying how much they like Finding Aria or to please upload, whatever it may be, i love your comments and support.

   my last exam is tommorow and when i should have been study, i updated Gyre today because i miss writting too much. Tommorow though, i will most defintely work on a new chapter of Finding Aria. however..... i will be out of town from may 19- 22 sound i won't be able to upload during that time because i am going camping but i will try to upload before and after.

i entered the story in the watty awards a while back so i need your help. every vote helps and if you think about it, if one person votes on every chapter of Finding Aria, that would be like thirty votes per reader and that is amazing. So please help and don't forget to vote and comment on this story to show how much you like it.

I love you all and am extremely grateful for you guys.

i have great plans for this story so stay tuned.

p.s- i've been thinking about it and i was going to ask if whether you think i should change Finding Aria from chicklit to another category because orignially i did have an idea that was sort of chicklit but i do have a lot of romance in this story and romance is a category thati already have what do you think?

hehe what if i gave you guys a note saying i was canceling the story?  lol, i would never.


Finding Aria (Wᴀᴛᴛʏ Aᴡᴀʀᴅs 2013)Where stories live. Discover now