• Author's Note •

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Heyah Guys!!! I'm back again for an another round of craziness with all of you!!! 😎

Sorry if I'm too loud, I'm just a kind of a joyful person LIKE HANJI! Yeah we love that Titan lover bitch, she's precious to us. 🙌

Gollum: *My Precious!*

Me: *Go the f*ck away you ugly alien freak, you're not invited!* 😒

Sooo... This is actually a big reward for my lovely recent readers in my previous completed book called:

The Wing's Chronicle (Levi X Reader)

Go get and check it out if you didn't know about it, I'm sure you gonna love that just like what all the others gave love towards that book! 😍

So this is actually a "Romantic Humor Action" genre and I really hope my recent readers and my new readers would read and love this book. I Do Really Hope For It!!!

Just take note that my writing skill in this book will got even more improved than the first previous one that I made.

Now, For just exactly like what I'd promise...

I'm going to make this reward now! I'll started it up this day of my birthday with full of joy!!!


[Published: 05/03/16]

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