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The same thought stayed on his mind for longer than he would admit to himself. Truth is, Levi Ackerman had never considered becoming a father or raising a family before. Not until he met you, that is. He had never allowed himself to feel romantic love or to long for anything of the sort. All of his life he had focused on surviving. On being and remaining strong for the people he cared about. Still - these new feelings he had discovered upon meeting you kept him awake. 

He would not become a father. Not yet. 

The next morning, training began early. All trainees had been escorted toward the training grounds in a rush. This wouldn't be hard for Levi, he knew that. Laying low, observing, that's what you all had to do. And he trusted every one of you with his life. Even stupid Reiner at this point.

'Pairs of two, sparring will begin shortly', the trainer let out. Levi observed the scenery - you stood with your back straight, concentration filling your eyes. You were then paired with a bigger woman. For a second he felt concerned, but he could not show that. Not here.

Levi trained against Jean for most of the morning. It was still strange seeing him with a bald head, but despite that, it was evident to Jean how much Levi was holding back during their sparring. Jean was strong and his endurance was quite remarkable, but he did not compare to Levi's abilities. For the rest of the morning, the former captain quite enjoyed pretending to struggle. And it was all over Jean's face, that he was enjoying himself too.

Throughout the rest of the morning, he observed you as you fought against the other trainee. Indeed, you were quite good. You were calculated and strategic, and quite unpredictable. Despite the size difference, your opponent couldn't get a punch through you under any circumstance. She was too slow and unorganized. On the other hand, Mikasa was struggling to pretend... her strength was too difficult to conceal. As she continued to beat her opponent time after time, she looked at Levi and he gave her a glare. They knew each other too well for her to not know what that meant. 

And that's when she pretended to fall.

'Fuck yes! Fucking finally!', her opponent screamed as Mikasa fell onto the ground. Levi observed as you turned around to look at the scene, a slight smirk decorating your lips.

Training was a fucking acting class.

As the evening arrived everyone gathered at the Mess Hall for dinner. All of you took one of the tables further to the left of the hall, since it was a bit more separated than the other tables. It was necessary for you all to discreetly discuss certain matters during dinner, since these would be the only times all of you would be together in the same room, without raising any questions.

'Mikasa is still recovering from today!', Connie laughed as he sat down. Everyone began chuckling then, even Armin, who had been down for the last days. The ghost of Annie still remained present around all of you.

'(Y/n) did quite well', Reiner said quietly, his eyes still locked on his food as he allowed spoonfuls of soup into his mouth. Levi looked into your eyes - you were sitting next to the former blond and across himself. You pressed your lips together - he could tell you felt slightly embarrassed.

'Yes, she did', Levi let out. Everyone looked at him then, even yourself. You smiled softly to his words. 'I need everyone to focus now. We will begin meeting at Mikasa's and (Y/n)'s room every night, after midnight, starting tonight. We can't risk people hearing us here'. Everyone nodded in agreement,and after a few hours that night, is when the secret meetings started.

Candlelight illuminated the whole room. The light was dim and warm, and the room remained quiet.

'Sorry, sorry! We are here', Connie let exhaled as he abruptly opened the bedroom door. Him and Jean were the last to reach you and Mikasa's room. 

'Quiet, brats', Levi hissed. 'Now, sit. There's shit we need to discuss'. Everyone gathered around, sitting on the floor, chairs and you and Mikasa's bed.

'I have sent a letter to Queen Historia requesting her help shall anything fall to fucking pieces, which is very likely. I asked her guards to leave her answer hidden just outside the storage room', as he said this, he pulled out a letter with the Queen's seal. It remained unopened. Everyone looked at it with curiosity. Levi handed it to you and nodded, indicating you to read it out loud. You slowly opened the envelope and cleared your throat.

'Dear Levi,

I am glad to hear you and the old squad are alive and well. It warms my heart to know of your safety. I am so sorry for your recent losses, please know I would have done anything in my power to protect Annie, Gabi and Falco.

I also want to address my gratitude for the information you have provided me. I have been aware of the amount of power Jaegerist's have been obtaining throughout the years in Paradis, and how little power that has left me and my people. But this faction you call Warriors... we must not allow them to prevail. We need to fight, together, as you said. It is with a heavy heart I ask all of you to survive, to fight with Jaegerist's, to fight The Warriors to the best of your ability.

I am afraid my power is and has been close to non existent since The Rumbling happened. I am nothing but a mere symbol of this Island. However, shall Jaegerists find out of your true identities, I will grant you a hundred of my best men and soldiers to defend you. They will arrive to the Jaegerist's Training Barracks within the week, completely disguised. You will not know who they are, but rest assured, they will know who you are.

Again, I apologize for not being able to do more for you. But then again, when have I ever been powerful? When have I ever been in control? 

I wish you the best of luck,

Historia x'

As you finished reading the letter, you closed the paper with your hands slowly. Silence invaded the room for some seconds.

'A hundred men?', Jean exhaled as he held onto his forehead with both of his hands.

'This is bad', Connie whispered, concern palpable in his eyes.

'What did you all brats expect?', Levi raised his voice slightly.

'Historia is doing the best she can', Armin whispered. For a second, everyone looked at him with parted lips. Levi knew he was right. Realistically, this was the best you could all ask for. At least you would have support if the worst came to happen.

'All we can do right now is fucking pretend and try. Historia is giving us a plan B. We still have to focus on our main goal here. Destroying The Warriors. With the help of Jaegerists', you let out sternly. Your face remained stoic and contained. Levi felt silently proud of you, but would not allow a grin to decorate his lips. Not here.

'That's right. We fight. We try to win', Reiner said calmly.

'We win', Mikasa exhaled.

Once Levi was back in his bed that night, he realized he would not sleep. Too much was at stake. He slowly and quietly got out of his bed and exited his room. He desperately needed to clear his head. As he walked through the Training Barracks, he observed a silhouette walking at a distance. The figure was wondering, slowly and eerily. Once he got closer, his worst fears filled his chest.

You were sleepwalking again.

Ymir's Necklace: The Secret You Hold | Book I | Levi x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora