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The night sky hung heavy with dark clouds, casting an eerie glow over the camp. The wind tousled your hair gently as you stood at a distance, watching the flickering flames of the bonfire dance against the night. Conversations melded into a harmonious symphony around you, a cacophony of voices that served as a backdrop to your solitary contemplation.

You had always felt like an outsider, even among friends. The loss of your family at a young age had left you with a pervasive sense of solitude, exacerbated by the gradual disappearance of familiar faces from your life. Yet, amidst the solitude, you found a certain resilience and completeness within yourself.

Until Levi came along.

In his presence, you felt a stirring, as if something vital had been missing from your life without your awareness. There was an inexplicable ebb and flow of unease, tranquility, and gratitude in your interactions with him—a peculiar cocktail of emotions difficult to decipher but impossible to ignore.

Reflecting on your conversation with him the previous night, you realized you had been less than honest. In truth, nobody in Marley truly needed you, despite your efforts at the hospital. But being around Levi seemed to dispel these feelings of aimlessness, igniting a newfound purpose within you.

Your gaze scanned the crowd, searching for a familiar silver-eyed figure amidst the throng. You longed to hear his voice, to be drawn into the depths of his intense gaze once more. Yet, despite your proximity to the fire, a chill crept over you, prompting you to seek refuge among friends.

Jelena and Onyankapon greeted you with bottles of wine, their infectious smiles inviting you to join them on the logs opposite the fire. Though not one for drinking, you found solace in their company and the warmth of the flames against your skin.

As the pianist's fingers danced across the keys, weaving intricate melodies that stirred something deep within you, you couldn't help but envy his talent. How you wished you could touch people's souls in the same way. Yet, amidst your musings, a familiar sight caught your attention—Falco and Gabi, lost in their own private world.

A pang of uncertainty gripped you as you contemplated intruding on their moment, prompting you to rise and draw closer to the music for comfort. Accepting a stranger's offer of wine, you took a swig, the crimson liquid staining your lips.

Before you could wipe away the traces of wine, a whisper reached your ears. Turning slowly, you were met with Levi's intense gaze, a small grin tugging at the corners of your lips.


"Levi, hi."

A moment of delicate silence passed between you, broken only by the crackling of the fire. You took a moment to dab at your lips before meeting his gaze once more, offering him the bottle of wine, which he declined with a shake of his head.

"I don't quite enjoy it."

"Not really good... Just salvaged from an old basement north of the camp," you explained, noting his expression of disbelief. You continued. "We're about a century more evolved than you," you teased, eliciting a playful frown from Levi.

"I thought you were Eldian," he remarked, his tone tinged with curiosity.

Your smile faltered, a hint of sadness clouding your features. Levi's lips parted, a silent apology in his eyes.

"I...am. But it's complicated."

"I bet. If Reiner Braun ever taught me something, it's that Marleyans have identity issues."

Your irritation flared at his comment, his words striking a nerve. What did he know about the struggles of being a refugee in Marley? But as you met Levi's gaze, you sensed a flicker of understanding in his eyes.

"I don't think you know what it's like to live like a slave," you began, your voice tinged with emotion. "We were demons to people. Expected to fight you, other demons, we didn't even know. We didn't belong anywhere...struggling with a sense of self-hate I can't even describe."

Levi's expression softened, his gaze meeting yours with empathy.

"I...I think I know how it feels to live like a slave," he admitted quietly. "Eldians were trapped in Paradis without even knowing what was on the outside. We were slaves to the wall, to the Royals, to...you."

Your eyes widened in surprise, a newfound understanding dawning between you.

"I just...I know how it feels," Levi continued. "I didn't mean to upset you."

As silence enveloped you both, you felt a weight lift from your shoulders, replaced by a sense of camaraderie. Closing the distance between you, you knelt beside Levi's wheelchair, offering a reassuring smile.

"Well, it seems like we were the same demons, just in different parts of the world."

Levi's gaze lingered on yours, his expression unreadable yet strangely comforting. As you met his eyes, a sense of intimacy washed over you, bridging the gap between your worlds.

"I...I want to get the procedure," Levi confessed suddenly, his voice barely above a whisper.

"You will?" you asked, your heart leaping with hope.

"I will. I...don't want to live like this anymore. I want to ride my horse. I...want to be myself again."

Tears welled in your eyes, threatening to spill over. Without hesitation, you enveloped Levi in a tight embrace, feeling his arms wrap around you in return. In that moment, words were unnecessary—the unspoken understanding between you spoke volumes.

As you pulled away, a sense of vulnerability washed over you. Yet, as you met Levi's gaze, you found solace in the depths of his eyes, a silent promise of solidarity in the face of uncertainty.

Ymir's Necklace: The Secret You Hold | Book I | Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now