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Levi continued to look into your eyes as you slowly approached the pendant with your hand. He didn't quite know what to expect as he held his distance, his gaze locked onto your body and every movement you made. You then grabbed the stone with your hand and held it to your chest - your eyes filled with darkness he couldn't understand. You had stopped looking human then and there, as your lips remained parted. Your eyes then rolled back, allowing your gaze to remain completely black.

Your pupils had disappeared.

A couple of seconds passed - Levi noticed his old squad and Reiner were observing the scene too, hopeful and expectant as your hair blew with the cold wind. He waited as he felt the sweat run down his forehead - a mix of emotions running through his whole body. Were you ready to do this? What was exactly going on in your head?

Were you with Ymir?

He felt the heath coming from the fire surrounding the scene - screams continued to invade the space as you slowly allowed your head to fall back. It was eerie, disturbing, seeing you like this - yet Levi and the squad couldn't help but continue to stare at you.

And that's when it began.

Electricity surrounded your whole body as you began to stand up, completely letting go of your pendant as you threw it on the ground. Levi observed as you extended your arms to the sides of your body - the orange and red bolts completely decorating your skin as you began to shift. Your body started to grow - a crimson color invading your skin. You hair became longer and thicker in shades of black - your eyes looked almost demonic. He could observe your teeth becoming sharper as you let out a deep, terrifying roar.

Every single person at the camp stopped fighting to just stare at you.

Fear took over the camp as people began to ran away - nobody could comprehend how a titan had appeared there. Desperate screams surrounded the air.

'Fight!' - Levi yelled and his old squad obeyed, quickly attacking distracted Warriors who had stopped to stare at your dreadful presence.

Everyone heard you roar one more time as you slowly began to move forward. Levi then got out of your way and observed you start kicking Warriors. You were insanely strong and monstruos.

 And strangely skilled. 

You then began picking Warriors up with your hand and soon started to devour them - you later opted to tearing some of them into pieces. As Levi continued to fight, he would stop and stare at you massacring people with your own hands - his gaze continued to remain in a deep frown, his lips parted in shock.

You were tactical, intelligent and absolutely ruthless. Something about your behaviour shocked Levi to a degree he couldn't quite comprehend. Knowing this was a part of you raised so many questions deep inside of him - he couldn't ignore them. How were you this skilled if you had never used your titan before? Why were you chosen by Ymir to begin with? Were you yourself while still in there?

But truthfully, what still scared him was losing you. Even if you were a sadistic creature in that exact moment, Levi didn't fear you. Not for one second. He feared you would get yourself killed. As his old squad continued to fight and time continued to pass, Levi realized they had almost wiped out all of The Warriors in the camp. He saw your titan figure further away from him - he decided to run to you since there was no point in continuing the fight. As he got closer, he placed himself in front of you and looked up at you.

'Oi!' - he yelled as you looked down into his gaze. 'We are done here' - he continued, but you kept walking, prompting him to jump off your way. As he fell onto the ground, he wished he had his ODM gear with him to cut through your nape. You continued to walk away from him, now destroying some of the tents in the camp. It was clear that even though you were extraordinarily skillful with your titan, you couldn't quite dominate it fully just yet. The old squad then got to Levi and observed you as you continued wrecking the whole place. As skilled as you were, you were not as much in control of your titan form as he had thought.

'Fuck. How do we stop her?!' - Jean yelled out as everyone looked at each other.

'Here' - Mikasa held out a sword. The material looked similar to the one they used on their ODM gear. Levi looked at it as Mikasa handed it to him. He quietly nodded and began running to you. As he got right behind you, he quickly began to climb up your body, skilfully grabbing onto your flesh. You touch was so hot it was almost unbearable - but Levi was so quick with his movements he barely hurt himself. He then saw you as you turned your back to face him. Your body had stopped moving and your hands were now chasing his body. He dodged you multiple times - quickly placing himself behind your neck.

He let out a deep sigh.

Before you could even react, he sliced up your nape, completely covering himself in your blood. Smoke then began to come out, covering his vision almost completely. He then found your body - completely intertwined with titan flesh. He quickly grabbed you by your back and waist, pulling your body out of the titan's flesh. Once he did, he felt your titan's body falling to the ground and used this to his advantage: once your titan was close to the ground, he jumped off while he still carried you.

Levi then ran as he held you tight, quickly finding his squad. Everyone looked relieved to see you both alive and safe.

'Let's go take her to the hospital' - he yelled out.

'There's no hospital anymore' - Reiner sighed, pointing to the tent which had been destroyed and burned to the ground.

'Where's Doctor Keith?' - Levi barked.

'I'll look for him' - Reiner said. Mikasa and Jean joined him.

Levi then placed you onto the ground, both of his arms still holding you tight. He looked around and observed the destroyed camp. There were barely any survivors. He could just hope and pray Doctor Keith was still alive. The rest of the squad began assisting the injured. Levi then looked at you again, his hand softly caressing your cheek. Your face still had titan marks around your eyes, yet a serene expression decorated your gaze deeply. He almost felt himself getting lost into you as he felt your breathing and your heartbeat - his hand now placed onto your chest.

And that's when he felt it. 

Your skin met his as your hand placed itself onto his hand. You slowly parted your lips and opened your eyes, quickly finding Levi's gaze. You looked confused and exhausted - your eyes barely opened as you placed your narrow gaze onto his. He couldn't help but grin at you, deep relief invading his expression.

'Did...did I do it?' - you whispered, almost no strength in your voice.

You had done it, Levi thought. You had defended the camp - but you had also destroyed it. He couldn't bare to tell you that just now.

'Yes, (Y/n). You did' - he held onto your hand tight, his lips pressed as he tried not to cry.

You then closed your eyes and let out a deep, relieved sigh. A gentle smile decorated your lips as you began to fall asleep.

Ymir's Necklace: The Secret You Hold | Book I | Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now