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Levi couldn't shake off the conversation with you—it replayed in his mind as his head hit the pillow that night, haunting him with a mix of curiosity and anxiety well into the next morning. Sipping on his tea, he sought solace in the quietude of the morning, the melodious chirping of birds outside his tent serving as a backdrop to his ruminations. Yet, amid the bustling sounds of the camp waking up—elderly women bustling about preparing meals, young men gathering materials for construction—your revelation remained forefront in his thoughts.

Closing his eyes, Levi endeavored to recall every word you had uttered, fearing any lapse or distortion in his memory. There was an inexplicable pull between you and him, transcending the mere act of painting his portrait, tethered instead to the enigma of your sleepwalking. The fact that he was privy to your nocturnal confessions, the fact that you were unaware of your own nocturnal melodies—it all intrigued him deeply.

That necklace of yours... How could you not know its origin?

Where did it even come from? Levi ground his teeth in frustration, the unanswered questions gnawing at his mind.

As night fell, signaling the advent of the monthly bonfire—a camp tradition of wine, food, and music, a collective effort to momentarily escape the shadows of the past—Levi found himself grappling with an unfamiliar desire to attend. He realized he had never seen you at these gatherings before either.

His contemplations were abruptly interrupted by Gabi, bursting into the tent with sweat-dampened brow and a contagious smile.

"Hello, sleepyhead!"

"I've been up all night," Levi grumbled.

"Again?" Gabi's concern was palpable as she reached out to check his temperature, earning a brusque response.

"Don't touch me with your filthy hands."

Undeterred, Gabi chuckled softly, withdrawing her hand and wiping the sweat from her face.

"You're coming to the bonfire tonight. I don't care if you don't want to. You need to rest and sleep. Maybe a bit of alcohol will do the trick."

Rolling his eyes, Levi sighed as Gabi exited the tent. Yet, deep down, he harbored a newfound inclination to attend, a nagging sense that you might be there too.

Ymir's Necklace: The Secret You Hold | Book I | Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now