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Authors note: Hey hey! Are you enjoying the story so far? I hope you are. Please leave comments so I know what you think! :)

Authors note: Hey hey! Are you enjoying the story so far? I hope you are. Please leave comments so I know what you think! :)


Your body tingled with apprehension as you met Levi Ackerman's gaze, his eyes shifting from the book page to you with a mix of shock and curiosity. You knew you had crossed a line, but the urge to help him, to alleviate even a fraction of his burden, outweighed any sense of propriety.

Levi's reaction was unexpected. He closed the book firmly and extended it to you, his eyes piercing yours with unwavering intensity.

"Six out of ten is not enough," he declared, his tone devoid of anger as he looked at the survival rate.

You breathed a silent sigh of relief, grateful that you hadn't offended him. "I understand. It's a risky endeavor. I simply thought you should be aware."

Taking the book in both hands, you returned to your seat, crossing your legs as you resumed your work with the paintbrush.

Levi observed you in silence, his expression inscrutable. "I... appreciate it, though," he acknowledged gruffly.

You met his gaze with a calm demeanor. "There's no need for thanks."

Levi took a sip of his tea, his gaze never wavering from you. "Is that why you approached Gabi and me at lunch today?"

You nodded, a flicker of nervousness creeping into your voice. "Yes."

"Why do you want to help me, a stranger?" Levi's tone was tinged with skepticism.

Your heart raced as you struggled to articulate your motivations. "I just... don't understand why these procedures aren't performed in the camp," you lied. "Given the advancements in Eldian practices, one would expect—"

Levi cut you off with a sarcastic scoff. "You think a genocidal maniac's actions would inspire universal love and acceptance?"

His words struck a chord, reminding you of the deep-seated animosities that pervaded Marleyan and Eldian relations.

"Is that why you're in Marley, then?" you ventured.

Levi's response was cryptic. "No. Most of my cadets chose to remain in Paradis. I could have stayed there too."

"Then why didn't you?" you pressed.

He hesitated before answering, his expression guarded. "Why all these questions?"

You apologized, sensing his discomfort, and returned to your painting, the silence hanging heavy between you.

Levi's demeanor softened slightly as he sighed, his gaze lingering on you. "There was nothing for me in Paradis but memories. I didn't want to dwell on the past."

You empathized with his sentiment, as you thought of your own past struggles.

"Gabi mentioned you're an Eldian refugee," Levi remarked, his curiosity piqued. "You could have left Marley and explored Paradis."

You swallowed hard, memories of the refugee camps flooding back. "They were like concentration camps for Eldians. I spent most of my life in them," you confessed. "But my focus has always been survival."

Levi listened intently, his expression softened by understanding. "But the war's been over for years. Why stay?"

"This is where my people are. My friends, the patients. The people who need me," you explained.

Levi's gaze bore into yours, a hint of recognition in his eyes. "I knew that feeling once," he admitted.

Your heart ached at his words.

As the conversation shifted to lighter topics, you marveled at Levi's ability to interject humor amidst the weight of your discussion. His smirk elicited a chuckle from you, a moment of levity amidst the palpable sorrow.

As the night grew late, you began packing up your belongings, preparing to leave Levi to his thoughts.

"(Y/n)," he called out, halting your departure.

You turned to face him, a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty swirling within you.

"Please bring your book next time. I want to explore it further," he requested, his tone softer than before.

A smile tugged at your lips as you nodded. "I'll bring it with me."

With a final exchange of goodnights, you left Levi alone in his tent, your mind buzzing with newfound hope and possibility. And as you departed, Levi's gaze lingered on his legs.

Ymir's Necklace: The Secret You Hold | Book I | Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now