chapter 20

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Maya was able to get to library before she broke down, finding a good spot at the back, hidden from general view. She ran her hands through her hair as she attempted to stifle her cry. She hated that she was so sensitive and couldn't stand up for herself, the one thing she wanted was to be able to defend herself.

Stupid fucking emotions, toughen up Maya for god sake.

The girl was unable to hold in her tears, letting then out as she cried into her hands. She choked on her sobs, trying her best to not draw attention to herself. A tear dropped onto her jeans, and she watched as the spot turned dark.

"Maya?" She heard her name being called, and she lifted her head from her hands to be met with Brady's brown eyes looking at her worriedly. Hurriedly, the girl wiped her eyes as the boy crouched down in front of her, "I'm sorry about what Jenna said, but I hope you know none of that's true." The brown haired boy gently took a hold of the girls hands, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles.

"How do you know?" She questioned as she felt yet another tear slide down her cheek, mentally cursing herself for letting Brady see this side of her. She hated how vulnerable she felt in front of him. "Connor and Sophie told me." The boy said quietly as he reached up to wipe the tear from her cheek. His hand stayed there a few seconds before he realised how close he was to her, letting his hand fall back to hers.

"God I'm sorry you shouldn't have to see me like this." The girl laughed dryly, shaking her head as she looked up at the ceiling, trying to subside her tears.

"Hey, don't apologise. It's completely normal to feel like this, and you're not ugly, and you're not a lonely lowlife. In the short amount of time I've known you, I've seen how caring and considerate you are Maya. I can't see anything I don't like about you."

Oh god I'm gonna cry again, why does he have to be so sweet?!

"Thank you Brady. It's horrible feeling so lonely at school, but you make me feel less alone." The smile that slowly radiated off the girls face was enough to make the boys heart soar. He wanted nothing more than to see her smile all the time, to see the dimples on her face and the light pink hue adorning her cheeks.

He cupped the girls cheek, his thumb grazing her skin. "No need to thank me pretty girl."

The air felt thick as they looked at each other, questions left hanging in the air, unanswered. The boy cleared his throat, not wanting to make the girl uncomfortable with his proximity. Maya's heart sank as the boy pulled away.

Why the hell was I expecting him to kiss me?

He doesn't like me like that, he's just being nice.

Brady stood up, stretching out his hand for the girl to take. She reluctantly stood up, grabbing her bag as her other hand wrapped around his. His hand didn't leave hers the continuity of their journey outside, avoiding the gaze of some of the students. The brown haired boy spotted the rat of their friends on the courtyard, leading her over to them.

When the group noticed them coming over, Sophie quickly got up, going up to her friend with a worried expression on her face. Brady backed away, going over to his friends to give the girls some space.

"I was so worried when you got up and left, you looked like you were on the verge of tears. Are you okay?" The blonde girl looked like a worried mother checking her child for injuries.

Maya smiled fondly at the girl, "I'm fine Soph, just got caught up in my thought." The girl seemed to visibly relax at her younger friends words.

"You know Brady was about to bite Jenna's head off when you left. He looked like he wanted to punch her. I've never seen him like that before." Those words both stunned and confused Maya. She had no idea why Brady would publicly defend her, let alone get exasperated about it.

The brunette girl felt an arm around her shoulder, and she turned her head to see Connor , "He was about the go ballistic, knuckles went white and everything, you should have seen it." He laughed as his twin brother came to stand beside the girl.

Deep down she hoped that the reason for Brady having defended her was because he liked her, maybe as more than a friend, but that was a hope she was keeping well hidden.


authors note

she fell first he fell harder 😭

please tell me someone got the movie quote i snuck in here?!

maya's thought are honestly my favourite bits to write 🫣

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