Chapter Ten

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Kamari's POV

I spent the night at my grandmother's house because today she's starting chemotherapy. Not going to lie I'm pretty nervous but I can't let her see that.

Simone is coming over when she gets off work. Auntie Niecy was going to come with us for support.

"Alright come on Mari baby your grandma is already in the car we are waiting on you," Auntie Niecy said. I told her I was coming down now.

Once I made it downstairs, I couldn't hold my emotions any longer. "No Mari not right now baby we can't let my mother your grandmother see you like this" Auntie Niecy said.

I walked towards the kitchen to grab some paper towels to dry my face.

"Look I know you're upset about all of this but hey mama will come out on top again that's a strong woman Auntie told me.

"Now let's dry your face and give your grandma uplifting spirits my sweet baby I love you come here," she said before hugging me tightly.

"Thank you Auntie Niecy I honestly needed to hear that more from you than anybody," I said to her. "You know I still love you, Nephew, no matter what.

I smiled at her and walked out to the car. My auntie and I got in the car she was driving so I hopped in the backseat.

"Well damn it took y'all long enough it was getting hot in the car," she said. I chuckled for a bit before apologizing for taking so long.

The car ride to the hospital was silent with the music playing at a low volume. We finally made it to the hospital I had to walk in with Grandma so my aunt could find a parking spot.

Once we made it to the front desk Grandma told the person her name and they told her the doctor would call her back shortly.

Grandma and I walked to the chairs that were against the wall. "Hey, I know you're worried about me everything will be fine Mari remember God has the final say," she said while hugging me tightly.

She's my lifeline anything my sister and I needed she would always make a way for us. If anything happens to her, I wouldn't know what to do.

I know I shouldn't be thinking the worst like that but it's just the thought about it like tomorrow is never promised. That's why I would always live my life to the fullest so I wouldn't have any regrets.

My aunt Niecy finally came in after a hot minute of her trying to find a parking spot. "It's hard to find parking in that deck man I had to keep riding around until someone came out," she said.

"I already know how it is but I'm glad you finally found a spot Niecy. We talked for a while until they called her back to start her treatment for the day.

Grandma walked towards the door that was opened for her to go through and the doctor walked behind her with the door closing behind them.

"Hey Mari, it's going to be a while until she's done you want to walk to the cafeteria," Auntie Niecy asked me. "Yeah, sure I could eat right about now because I'm starving," I told her.

We got up from our seats and began the walk to the cafe. "So, what's been going on nephew how you been man." Aunt Niecy asked me.

" Nothing much I'm back in school for nursing you know that's been my dream job since I was in high school," I told her.

"Oh yeah how could I forget I had to help pay for your high-ass scrubs" she said making me laugh. "I thank you for that Auntie honestly you have been a great help along with Grandma," I told her.

Once we made it to the cafeteria, I could smell something with sautéed onions I mean anything with onions is good for me.

Everything on the menu looked so good but I just decided on a burger with fries. My aunt ordered her food before me since I was still deciding on what I wanted.

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