38 || Quiet Hotel Room

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Somehow, the sun burnt even more mercilessly compared to any other day. It scorched your entire body, causing sweats to coat your skin for just a few minutes you had been here. Just yesterday, you told Jean not to get irritated at Eren for volunteering in the inauguration of the new city.

Today, however, you had the same sentiment as him towards the brunette.

"Why are we here again?"

It was the second time, actually, for all of you to be out in the open and finish the work that had been developed for months. "Sure we are not doing the muscle work anymore, but — why in the world do we have to be here at this hour?"

"You should question the Queen. Historia was the one who asked the inauguration to be held around noon." At your words, Jean could only groan and hurriedly searched for shelter. "It will start in a few minutes, Kirstein! Get back here this instance!"

"Stop acting like my mom, Tybur!"

"Jean Kirstein, I swear—"

"It's alright, (Y/n)." Armin rested his hand on your shoulder, squeezing it a bit before he dropped his hat on your head. "Here, wear mine for a while."

The gesture was surely enough to melt your heart, and you couldn't help but lean in and pressed your lips against his cheek to show your gratitude. While trying so hard to ignore the fake gagging that Connie and Sasha made close to where you were.

"Dear, walls. Please ignore them, 'min."

"Don't worry. I have been used to it for quite some time now."

You leaned away and let out a small chuckle at how honest he was. Truthfully, you thought he would be someone who got embarrassed by nature, especially over public displays of affection. Yet here he was, leaning closer to you and interlacing his hand with yours as if he wanted to show it to everyone that he, Armin Arlert, got the best woman in the world as his lover.

It was adorable. And you didn't stop him from wanting to get close to you. After all, there was nothing you should do despite waiting for the inauguration to begin.

In this same harbour, just five days from now, you would embark to another journey. A ticket to come home with the survey corps would have another expedition. Another breakthrough, and instead of merely exploring Paradis island, all of you now would visit another country, another civilisation that none of them knew existed before.

None of them, except for you.

"What's in your mind?" You turned to face Armin, and the worried look on his face only showed how much he knew what was probably going inside your head. "Are you thinking... About your family?"

His voice was barely above a whisper, always so cautious when he talked about your secret. If he never found out, you probably have no one to talk to, something that would slowly drive you insane. But his existence was like an anchor, stopping you from going straight towards the stormy seas.

"Yes." Resting your head on his shoulder, he scooted closer to make you even more comfortable. "I wonder how my parents are right now, and of course, a bit scared since I feel like I have failed them, 'min." Your voice went shaky at the end, and Armin only squeezed your hand at that, not wanting your mind to spiral down.

"I never met your parents, (Y/n), but from your story, I am sure they would be so proud of you."

"How so?"

"Because you have survived hell." You wanted to snort at his answer, but you only shrugged, wanting to believe in his words despite how hard it was. "You lived despite going through the years having one of your feet on death's door, and that was something that not everyone could go through."

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