17 || Out of Place

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Stohess district, the town located on the eastern side of Wall Sheena, one of the innermost cities in Paradis. Anywhere you laid your eyes on, the tall buildings were in perfect condition, pristine and free from decay. The dress and clothes that people wore here contrast to those from Wall Rose. Their etiquette, the way they talked — you still couldn't decide if you would like it here or not.

You were hiding on the rooftops, careful of your movement since one wrong step could make you fall and endangered the entire operation. It looked like Annie ended up going along with Plan A, but when you saw the look in your eyes as she walked past by your position, you speculated she realised what would ensue next.

You never thought you'd be here two days after the failed expedition. Commander Erwin called you, Armin, Mikasa and Jean — chosen by the man to be a part of the plan to capture the female titan. Until now, you still wondered about what kind of aspect that he saw from you and what kind of blind trust he had for the rest of your friends.

The look inside those eyes, everyone could see that he had been through a lot. Each of his judgments must have been consecutively right, despite how risky the strategy was. Like now, he appointed four soldiers from 104th Cadet Corps, not knowing one hundred percent if any of them ended up to be the female titan's ally.

And well, here you were in the flesh.

"We should get closer." Your squad leader muttered underneath his breath, and you only gave him a nod before following him as he grappled his hook towards the next building. It had been a few minutes ever since Annie was supposed to be in the tunnel with Armin, Eren, and Mikasa. If everything went smoothly, then you only had to trail where the tunnel ended. "That's your friend, huh?"

You rested your back on the chimney and carefully glanced down. Annie was standing still on the outside all alone, not following down the tunnel like the plan. At this, you realised she must have been one step ahead of everyone by this point. "She looks so fragile and petite. Is she really the female titan?"

"Yes." Truthfully, you were not a fan of your current squad leader. He underestimated the situation ever since the start of the operation, not careful enough when he moved from one building to another. "She can kick your ass so easily, sir. You know nothing about her." And the way he kept on yapping about Annie was irritating you.

"What did you just say to me—"


Forgetting your remark, your squad leader shortly landed on the ground, running to get to where the blonde girl was. Dozens of people came in, trying to make sure that she didn't turn into a female titan by shoving her mouth with a piece of cloth and locking her limbs to prevent her from hurting herself.

You were just touching down, not running towards her, but at least keeping up your act by following orders. If you heard Armin shoot the flare into the sky, you should have helped to immobilise her. But when you saw she had her right hand stretched, a silver ring glinted from the sun, you knew it was too late.

And despite that you stood dozens of metres away from the crowd, the blast of her transformation was enough to knock you on the building.

"I still don't trust her."

You had just arrived from Mrs Keller's house, getting the labels on the bottle of wine like usual when Annie confronted you. The second you opened the bedroom's door, she had this scowl on her face as she folded her hands in front of her chest. That was something indeed, and you wondered what twirled inside her mind as she attacked you out of the blue like this.

"Glad to be home." You ignored the icy look she threw at you as one of your hands patted on her cheek nonchalantly, a gesture that seemed to annoy her even further. "Mrs Keller packed me a vanilla pudding, saying how your face lit up when you ate it." Dropping your bag on the edge of the bed, you searched for the meal boxes your employer gave to you before. "Do you want it or not?"

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