5 || Letters From Home

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My dearest, (Y/n).

I am sorry that I didn't send you any letters last month. I will tell you why in this letter too but later on, okay? Now, I want to know how you are first. Have you eaten enough meals? To be a good soldier you need nutrients! Keep yourself hydrated too because you knew that the majority of your body was liquid! Blood and stuff. I don't know much about science but water is good!

Alright, now, tell me how everything goes there. Even though it could take three or four pages I will gladly read it all through! The more the merrier! So I have something to do except label the wine with the other workers.

My dear, from the last letter that you sent to me, I know you have been struggling to keep your friendship and your soldier life apart. Don't be, sweetheart. Life as a soldier wouldn't be long, as much as I hated that fact, it is the truth that everyone knows. Especially since you want to enlist in the survey corps.

Your friends would be the reason why it's worth it to keep on fighting, they would be the reason why you want to keep on living in dire situations. Especially if somewhere along the line, you found what it was to love someone, he or she or they — would be the main reason why you wanted to come back home alive.

So please, remember that it's fine to enjoy your time befriending a lot of people, while still focused on your training and duty as a soldier. I know you can do it, you are a remarkable kid after all. Your birthday is around the corner, right? I will make sure I send something for you, maybe to replace the scarf that I gave you before your departure.

Last thing before I end this letter, the reason why I didn't send you anything last month is because I am moving! Yes, my husband had enough money to move us to Stohess, his business always goes up. So now I am here with him, spending time together like a real husband and wife. I will write down the address behind the paper, come visit us soon and send your answer there, okay?

I love you so much, little Tybur. Take care and I hope you have the best life in the military. Please tell Annie, Bertolt, and Reiner that I said hi, I miss those three so much too and I would love for them to visit too. Can't wait to receive a reply from you!

With all my heart, Adaleigh Keller.

A gentle smile never once left your face as you laid the paper down on the wooden table. You had been rereading the letter three times over in one seat now, feeling like you couldn't get enough of the warm tingle on your heart every time you read a letter from her.

On the first day of the second week, every cadet would receive the monthly letters that came from family and friends, and you always waited for this date, knowing that you had someone who would send you a letter.

You recalled how anxious you were last month when you didn't receive any. Fear and insecurity started to creep inside your heart. Mrs. Keller had become the only solace that you could find in this world, in between your distress over friends, love, and the life of a soldier, she always knew the right words to say (or in this case to write) to make you calm down.

Now, receiving the information that she was just busy with her life and moving into the innermost wall had made you feel ecstatic because you knew she deserved it. Though you wondered what she would do with her old house in Trost, probably selling it or using it as a storage room or something, you were going to include that question in the reply later.

"Mrs. Keller?" Annie spoke up as she waited for you to be done with your thoughts, her ocean eyes had fixated on you for the past few minutes. Subtly, of course.

"Yes, Annie." You fetched a few pieces of paper from the drawer, wanting to reply to her as soon as possible. "Mom said hi to you, saying that she wanted you and the others to visit her if we had time."

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