Chapter 12

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Cherie entered Jeremiah's house, immediately removing the painful red bottoms that he'd bought her. He'd bought the red bottoms for her because she'd had ten clients last month and that had been the highest amount she'd had in a single month. She'd always said she wanted some, so he bought them for her. She was grateful for the shoes, but God did they hurt.

She placed her things on the couch and made her way to the bedroom. Jeremiah was sprawled out on the bed in only a towel. His mouth was open while he snored lightly. Cherie laughed; he must've fallen asleep after getting out of the shower. She grabbed her things she needed for a shower and headed to the bathroom. She figured he was tired, so she didn't want to wake him.

By the time Cherie finished her shower Jeremiah was up and had put on some clothes. "I see you're up now." Cherie smirked.

"I hadn't even realized I fell asleep." He chuckled. When he got out of the shower, he laid on the bed and the next thing he knew he was knocked out.

"Yeah, they must've worked you hard today." Cherie joked. 

"They did, I think I need a massage." He smirked, causing Cherie to roll her eyes.

"If anything, I need a massage, those red bottoms hurt like hell." Cherie took a seat beside him and placed her feet in his lap. Jeremiah sucked his teeth and began massaging them.

"You're the one who asked me to buy those expensive ass shoes so you're going wear them whether they hurt or not."

"Yes Ike." Cherie joked. "What are we eating for dinner tonight, I'm not cooking."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't feel like it."

"I don't know, we can order something, I don't feel like going out."

"I think I want hibachi."

"Hibachi it is then."

About an hour later, they were sitting on the living room couch watching Baby Boy and eating the hibachi that had just been delivered. It had been Cherie's idea to watch the movie because it used to be one of her favorites growing up and she hadn't seen it in a while.

"You know they said Jodie was 19." Cherie spoke.

"You lying."

"I'm not, I saw a post about it. That's crazy if he really was though."

"Yeah, but 19 or not, he was still a bum."

"Nah for real, then he's going to get mad at that man for staying there." Cherie laughed.

"Well, I can kind of see why he didn't like him, imagine walking in the kitchen and you see a big ass nigga in some draws cooking on your stove. I would be mad as hell too."

"True." Cherie laughed, taking a big bite of her food. "Lord the last time I ate was breakfast, this food is so good." She moaned.

"I don't understand why you women do that."

"Do what?"

"Barely eat."

"I eat a lot when I'm not busy."

"Ehh, not all the time."

"Well sorry I'm not eating every second of the day like you Mr. Big back." Jeremiah laughed at her joke before flicking her off.

"I go to the gym and burn those calories off so it doesn't matter."

"Mhm." Cherie placed her food down, she'd gotten full.

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