Chapter 5

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Cherie had officially been working at her new job for a month today and she was loving it. She'd gotten a few more clients and she was making a lot of money. The first client she'd had did a house tour on her TikTok and tagged Cherie which gave her a lot of clientele. The increase in clientele had her very busy, she was booked for the whole month of September.

Outside of work, Cherie and Jeremiah had begun talking on a regular basis. Since their lunch two weeks ago they'd been talking every day. Today they were going hiking. Cherie wasn't very excited about it, but she was going to go. Hiking was something Jeremiah had wanted to try for a while so he asked Cherie to go with him. It would give them some time to talk while also getting exercise for their bodies. It was a win win situation.

A knock sounded on the door, and Cherie went to answer it. Jeremiah stood on the other side of it looking delectable. He had a fresh cut, and his beard was trimmed up neatly. On his body was some basketball shorts that showed his half right leg sleeve, his top half was covered with a simple t shirt. On his feet were some basic black Nikes.

"You going to let me in or just stare?" Jeremiah questioned with a smirk on his face. Cherie rolled her eyes, stepping back and letting him in. He looked around the nicely decorated house impressed.

"Your house is nice."

"Thanks, I'll be right out I just need to finish my hair."

"Alright." Jeremiah watched her ass in the Nike leggings that clung to her figure as she went back into her room.

A few minutes later, Cherie was ready and they headed out. "What made you ask me to go hiking with you?" Cherie questioned. Jeremiah glanced at her, then placed his attention back on the road.

"I thought it would be a good activity to do and then we could talk."

"We could've talked over dinner."

"That's so cliche though." Cherie rolled her eyes.

"If I get tired you're carrying me back to the car." Jeremiah chuckled.

"I'm not carrying you no damn where with all that ass you got." Cherie slapped his arm.

"Are you calling me fat?"

"No, I'm calling your ass fat." Cherie rolled her eyes.

"Oh my gosh." Cherie laughed.

When they arrived at the walking trail they got out and began walking. Five minutes in Cherie was already complaining. "You couldn't pick a day where the sun wasn't going to be out?"

"You wanted to come in the rain?" Cherie sucked her teeth at his smart response.

"I'm just playing, it'll take your mind off of walking if we talk."

"What do you want to talk about?"

"How were the last few years of college after we stopped talking?"

"Don't say we stopped talking. You stopped talking to me." Cherie corrected him.

"Cherie I already apologized for that, we're either going to move on or I can take you back home and we can go back to acting like we don't exist." Cherie bit her lip.


"It's cool." Cherie played with her bracelet as they walked. Jeremiah looked over, noticing it was the bracelet he'd given her for Valentine's Day.

"You still wear your bracelet?" He questioned.

"Yeah, it's my favorite one." Cherie admitted. The only time she didn't wear her bracelet was when she was wearing silver jewelry, other than that it was always on her wrist. She didn't know if she liked how the bracelet looked or was it the fact that it was from Jeremiah, but it was her favorite.

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