Weak vs Strong.

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Kousu decided to take a walk. He hadn't seen the outside world in a long time, rather he had been trapped in a lonely cage where fighting was the only way out.

During the time when Kousu was in prison he had learned so many fighting techniques and made a name for himself. In prison he was called Scorpion but outside he was called Soul Catcher. He always wondered why people gave him such stupid names. Even he could name better than that. But he just had to go with it.

Prison was worse than hell, the food was disgusting, the prisoners were disgusting and the toilets were the worst. Even though the prison Kousu went to was for teenagers and pre–teens. Kousu found the prison no different from the adult prisons in movies. In the prisons the strongest were the most respected and the weak were the most bullied. Kousu witnessed a lot of deaths in the prison and most of the people who died were the weak amongst them. So Kousu toughened himself up. Got into fights and was soon categorized as the strong.

Lucky for Kousu, his hair was growing faster than he imagined. He had cut his hair when joining the horn gang and he regretted it. But now his hair was up to his shoulders.

There was a loud crashing sound as if someone was fighting.

Although Kousu didn't want to get involved he still wanted to see the fight. So he walked to where the sound was coming from and it was like he had guessed. A group of five gangsters were beating up a guy around Kousu's age. The guy was obviously a student since he was still wearing his uniform, his hair was black with a touch of yellow. And his eyes were pitch black with negative emotions inside.

The boy was pretty strong since after all the punches the five gangsters were given him wasn't enough to take him down. Even with the punches the boy still managed to maintain his posture and hit the men a few times, causing them to stagger a little.

Kousu was already bored with the fight, he enjoyed watching fights in which both sides were strong but he didn't enjoy it if one side had an advantage and the other side didn't.

Once Kousu was tired of watching he came out of the shadows and waved to the men. When the men saw him the oldest shouted. " Who the fuck do you think you are! Are you a friend of this rascal!"

Kousu didn't answer, he only threw the lollipop stick in his mouth to the ground. He stretched a little to prepare his body for action. Before he ran at full speed and gave a giant leap. Once he was in the air he swung his hand and clenched his fist before landing a massive punch on the leader's face. The leader staggered and fell. His teeth had fallen off and he was left unconscious.

The other men stood shocked as they stared at their leader.

Kousu smiled," Who is next?"

The men wasted no time, they ran out as fast as they could leaving their leader behind.

Immediately Kousu turned to the boy. " Your welcome..."
The boy rushed over to Kousu and gave him a hard punch that sent Kousu crashing down. Kousu didn't expect such behavior from the person he just saved.

The boy glared at Kousu with disgust. " Who asked you to deal with them..?"

The boy shouted," I said who asked you to fucking beat them up! Didn't you see I was ready to send them straight to hell. But you just had to butt in!"

Kousu was surprised by the boy's rude attitude. Was he mad? I just saved him and he couldn't even say thankyou.

The boy stood up from Kousu. " What's your name?"

Kousu sat up and cleaned his mouth from the blood. " Tch! You are a crazy one hey! The name's Kousu!"

The boy glared at Kousu with disgust before saying. " My name is Dan Hua."

Kousu," Your name sounds beautiful!"

Dan Hua," Sorry for hitting you like that. I was just mad that I couldn't beat them up on my own."

Kousu," Who were those men? They seemed tough"

Dan Hua," Well not for you. They are loan sharks. My dad used to owe them Money.."

Kousu questioned," Used to?"

Dan Hua," The old man's dead and he left the debt on me and my mom. But now my mom just got diagnosed with cancer. And we haven't fully paid those loan sharks.... Assuming I could fight i would have beat their asses like you did.."

Kousu," Oh! That's it?"

Dan Hua was surprised. Kousu acted as if it wasn't much of a deal.

Kousu continued," Those people are from the sharp sharks gang. Their leader is friends with my Gege. And their leader warned them of not giving out loans so they will be punished if they are caught."

Dan Hua," Wait you mean it!"

Kousu," Does it look like I am joking? I still remember their faces and I have the leader here. He looks dead.... How will I carry him..."

Dan Hua stared at the unconscious man before staring once more at Kousu. He wondered if he was in a dream or if this was reality. " Please promise me you will stop the Loan sharks."

Kousu turned to Dan Hua and reassured him," I promise."

Dan Hua felt like tears were going to rain down from his eyes but he held it in and changed his tone to a more confident one. " Kousu–xiong i promise to help you in your time of need. Just like you helped me and I promise to die by your side."

Kousu chuckled as the kid was joking. " okay! Whatever you say, just don't borrow loans from strangers again..."

A group of muscular men came in and took the unconscious body from the ground. They were Kousu's bodyguards. Kousu turned over to Dan Hua and waved. " See you around."

Once Kousu was gone Dan Hua picked up the emerald necklace Kousu had forgotten. Dan Hua stared at the necklace for a while but then he placed it on his chest. " I promise I will meet you again."

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