Serial Killer 3.

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Kousu's Mom stood shocked at the sudden confession. She never thought her son would remember all the ridiculous things she would say when she was frustrated, drunk or angry. But now she had come to a conclusion that Kousu was not as dumb as she thought.

She sat down on the chair and turned over to Huang Xin. Immediately Huang Xin saw his mother had faced him, he smiled at her.

Whereas Kousu was sure his mom wouldn't let him rest so easily after today. His mom was the type to never mind her business. She never cared but at the same time she always wanted to know. She gave Kousu all kinds of headaches and was the main cause of his depression.

Swiftly, Kousu stood up from the chair since silence had broken out across the room. " If we are done with this. I would like to go now."

His mother didn't bother to look at him, she only signaled Dang Wei. and Dang Wei rushed over to the door and brought someone in. Kousu wondered what his troublesome mother would do now, she would obviously look for some way to torment him until he finally did as she said but Kousu wasn't going to fall that easily.

There was a little squeaking sound. Even though Kousu couldn't see the person he could already guess the person was on a wheelchair.

Once the Wheelchair squeaking had stopped Kousu turned over to get a quick look at the injured person and he was shocked afterwards. This person was an injured crippled man with one of his eyes removed and his face disassembled. But not only was this person an injured man, Kousu recognized him just from sight. Although Kousu didn't know his name, Kousu knew who the person was. The guy was a member of the horn gang during the time Kousu was in the horn gang but that wasn't all. This guy was a victim of Kousu's many killings and somehow he managed to survive.

When the man noticed Kousu, he shivered in fear and his eyes widened as he bent his head over in order not to see the face of the devil.

Kousu smirked–his mother was truly something. " Wow! So you brought one of my victims to confess. That's nice but do you think he would say anything? He is already terrified of me and I wouldn't blame him. In Fact i am surprised he managed to survive. He must be a tough one!"

The man shivered even more now, his face was petrified and his mouth mumbled as he tried to speak. " Mrs Huang. I am...only doing this..because you promised to protect me..please"

Mom stared at Kousu before she looked back at the crippled man. " He is my son. If he tries to hurt you. He will have to deal with me"

The man soon burst into tears, he knew his time was short and now he was standing in front of the human devil. " Mr Soul Catcher. He..he killed all my friends. We used to be in the horn gang but I bullied him because of how weak he was. I didn't expect him to be a psychopath. I watched him Kill my friends with just a knife and his hands he stabbed them and laughed and when he was done stabbing them he..he dug out their eyes so they could never see. They all died and I managed to survive because the police came early... if not for the police both my eyes would have been gone. I couldn't protect my friends. Please soul catcher..Please.. I am begging you. I will never make fun of you again. So please stop with the nightmares. Just kill me. Kill me! Please!" the man sniffled and cried. Ever since he witnessed his friend's death. The man had been going through all sorts of therapy to help his mind stay stable but even with that he kept on having dreams of Soul Catcher and it continued to be a torment in his life.

Kousu chuckled. " Tch! How is it my fault that you keep on dreaming about me? And now you want me to kill you and forgive you. Are you mistaking an devil for an angel? I want you to tell Kai Chu this. Until the day I die I wouldn't let the Horn gang have one sweet dream. All your dreams will be nightmares until I crush you beneath me. You, your friends and your families. I will make all of them suffer the same fate. Got it! "

The man cried even more and his hand shivered from fright. Kousu averted his gaze from the man seeing him cry was disgusting and most of all. The fact that he was alive made Kousu feel weak. Kousu turned over to Huang Xin and smiled. " And so you know little Bro. you are next!"

Before Kousu could finish. His mother gave him a hot slap which caused him to bleed a little. He held his jaw and acted like the pain was nothing. He smiled at her. " Your hand has truly gone soft. Even your slaps don't hurt that much"

His mom swung her hand again and landed another slap unto Kousu's pretty face. But Kousu only smirked at her to try and provoke her. His mom was about to give him another slap when Jie Jie came over and blocked it. " Please mam! I know Kousu is stubborn but he doesn't deserve this kind of treatment"

Now everyone's gaze was upon the depressed looking boy who came out of nowhere.

Kousu's mother Snickered." Let me guess he is your boyfriend huh! You gay freak! If there is one thing I regret, it's giving birth to you. You bastard!"

Kousu was about to bring out a gun and put an end to this rude bitch but Jie Jie held onto his hand to prevent him from doing something stupid. Even with Jie Jie's arm on Kousu. Kousu still brought out his gun but he didn't shoot his mom instead he shot the crippled man on the wheelchair and said." There! Now I have put an end to your nightmares."

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