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The expectation in kousu's eyes decreased, he was expecting fear in jie jie's eyes or some kind of hate or disgust but he didn't think jie jie was going to start crying.

" Stop it! Why are you crying? Did I do something wrong? "Kousu was restless. He was unsure of what to do and how he was supposed to stop someone from crying.

Jie jie sniffled" Kousu! I am so sorry you had to go through all of that "

Kousu was puzzled–why was jie jie crying? He didn't even do anything wrong and yet he was the one crying" jie jie! That's all in the past now.I regret some things, but I am still happy. " kousu wiped off jie jie's tears and slowly stood up to take his leave, but jie jie stopped him, and asked" kousu xiong! What about sai–if he finds out. He is going to want you dead "

" You know a lot for your age! If sai hates me so be it. I should enjoy my stay in China. Who knows, I might have to move countries again. But don't worry i will stop your bullying before i leave "

"But–" kousu walked out of the room, he wasn't ready for any other questions. Telling a complete stranger was enough, but now he was being hunted down by crazy gangsters he didn't even know about.

Kousu walked over to his room, he locked the door behind and squatted. He took out a cigarette, lit it up and inhaled all the toxic chemicals while letting his past hunt him." Now i have to deal with sai. Might as well kill myself"

Sai watched kousu from the window, he had snuck into kousu's house without telling him. And since the window was open he let himself in. " Koisu!"

Kousu thought the voice was from his head." Good now I am hearing voices. Tch might as well go mad like my dead old man did"

" But i am not a voice "

Hearing this, Kousu turned over to his bed only to see Sai seated on it. Sai smiled at him while waving his hand. Kousu was starting to believe he had truly gone mad. How the hell did sai find him?

" What the hell are you doing here?" kousu was shocked. How the hell did sai manage to find him and second of all how did he get in.

Sai smirked " the window was open "

Kousu turned to the window. He was more annoyed at it than sai.

" smoking isn't good you know " sai scolded, kousu had completely forgotten he was smoking. Which meant sai must have seen this bad side." Who are you to caution me? Punk!"

Sai smirked as he stood up from the bed and slowly walked over to kousu. Kousu moved back a little but was caught off guard when there was no place else to go than the wall.

Sai got closer to kousu's ear and then whispered " if you smoke! Your mouth will taste funny when we kiss." kousu pushed Sai away. He swung his leg in anger but Sai swung his back and prevented any calamities to his beautiful face. " You got some nerves. Huh!" kousu's delinquent side was back. Sometimes it came and sometimes it left him, but sai preferred that side of him.

" Kissing me wasn't enough punk! Now you are cautioning me like my old lady. Damn shit! You got some nerve huh. You call me gay, yet you are the one who kissed me when i was drunk "

Sai's face was still calm as usual; it had no sign of anger or confusion. It just had that annoying smirk kousu couldn't stand.

" but you were the one who asked me too!"

Everything that happened the other night all came back to kousu. He was left speechless and shrilling in fear. How could he have done that when he was drunk? Ask Sai to kiss him. In fact beg sai to kiss him! How stupid could he possibly be?

" Why did you suddenly go quiet? "Sai whispered behind kousu's ear. He was going to tease him until his face was red like last time.

Kousu refused to answer, he hid his head down. Trying his best to not look at sai's smirking face. He took up the cigarette and smoked again.

" Stop it!" sai removed it from kousu's arm.

Kousu was annoyed by this and so protested." It's my cigarette! If I want to smoke. Let me!. Not like I wouldn't die soon!.." kousu went silent when he noticed the disgusted look on sai's face. He hadn't seen Sai look at anyone like this. " Smoke again and I will spank your ass," said Sai confidently.

Kousu glanced at Sai and sai stared at him to " Are you serious?" kousu laughed out loud.

This was the first time sai had ever seen kousu laugh, his laughter was cute and his smiling face was something to lust for " why are you laughing?"

" –cause you sound like my brother "


"Is that a good thing"

" ya–ya–it really is!"

They both laughed. Seeing themselves like this was rather fun and let their brains cool down for a second. Maybe they needed to laugh more.

Huang ning stood behind the door, hearing his brother laugh was something he never expected to see till his old age. But most of all huang ning wondered who the guy kousu was talking to was? One of his new friends, Huang Ning guessed. He stopped his eavesdropping and walked over to his room and shut his door.

Huang ning looked around his empty room as nasty thoughts accumulated in his brain. All he could think about was kousu. Kousu was stubborn and one of his biggest problems, he never listened, he always got into trouble and his heart always got broken but yet kousu still trusted people easily. Huang ning wished his heart was as soft as kousu and he could trust people easily but he had learned trust was something the weak had and the strong didn't .

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