Do jin.

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The fight was truly one sided.

 Jie jie had followed Do jin to meet this so-called sai, he was talking about. From what Do Jin had said Sai was a delinquent with high skills and the brother of Li Wei nicknamed HuaWei the head of a powerful gang called. " The Mortal Devil". Even the name was scary. The place they were in was crowded. Students were watching the fight and some were cheering, Do Jin and Jie Jie couldn't see the fight because of the multitude of people around. Both of them really wanted to get a glimpse of sai and so Do Jin pushed through. They managed to make it to the front and were surprised to see the fight. It was truly one–sided, Sai's opponent was on the ground lifeless while Sai was seated on top of him punching him and preventing him from having a single breathing space.

Jie jie stood in shock, this was sai. How could a twelve year old be so powerful?. Do jin noticed jie jie was intrigued by the fight and spoke. " You thought I was lying huh! That is sai. The head of the new mo wang gang. He is a real beast. He took down one hundred men all by himself"

Jie jie had never seen someone like this before, his punches were strong, his glare was powerful and his fighting skills were amazing. But although jie jie saw this guy as a beast, he knew something was wrong, under sai's eyes were really black and his face was saddened with no smile in show. His eyes were pale white like he was spiritless and his skin was pale. This beast was a depressed beast. And somehow only he had noticed this. Jie jie turned over to do jin. " How does sai affect jay?"

Do jin smirked, " it's simple. Jay is in a gang that hates sai."

Jie jie pupils went small, he rotated his eyes to take a glimpse at sai once more, watching Sai's punches and his showcasing strength– there was no way Jay would fight that guy and win. It was impossible.

Jie jie asked," you are joking right?"

Do jin chuckled, " does it look like i am lying"

Do jin walked out on jie jie leaving jie jie alone to watch the remarkable fight. But jie jie wasn't willing to let do jin go he couldn't imagine seeing Jay lifeless on the ground like the guy sai was beating up. Jie jie wasn't going to allow it even if it meant him associating with do jin.

He ran after do jin and when he found him, hanged on to his clothes saying. " I want you to tell me more about sai!"

Do jin smirked, this young boy had just fallen for his trap and soon he would be the one regretting things. " fine!" he smiled. " but you have to follow me home"

Jie jie was unsure of things, he hardly even knew anything about do jin except from them being seat mates, but he nodded. He needed to know everything about Jay's strange behaviors so that it wouldn't be too late to save him.

Jie Jie was surprised that Do Jin's house was massive. It was about the size of a mansion. Which meant that do jin was a really rich guy. It explained why he was so lazy and stubborn.

Do jin smiled," you have never seen a pretty house before"

Jie jie was unwilling to answer, they weren't friends and they would never be friends, trusting do jin would be the last thing he would ever do. He walked past do jin and went ahead to the entrance of the house. Do jin was annoyed, this kid was hard to play with. He walked over to the entrance and placed his thumb on a little doorbell and the door opened.

When jie jie saw this he was astonished. Where they living in a fantasy world?. There was no way the door had just opened with a thumb press, do jin glanced at the door one more time suspiciously.

Do jin chuckled. " it's just a doorbell"

Jie jie mocked, " Just a doorbell"

" what did you say? " Do Jin asked.

Jie jie responded. " nothing!"

They walked into the house and a few maids came over to greet their young master and when they saw jie jie they also greeted. " Good Evening! Young master's friend"

Jie jie was surprised but he bowed his head in respect and greeted." good evening"

The maids were surprised by the young boy's respect, their young master only brought rude people as friends he had never brought a respectful person home.

Do Jin asked. " is mother at home" the maids nodded.

" tell her i am home"

The maids responded hurriedly and continued their tasks leaving do jin and jie jie alone.

Jie jie asked. " You are rich but you have such a poor personality. "

Do jin was annoyed. " You don't like my personality?"

Jie jie" of course i don't. The only reason why I agreed to follow you here was because I want to know more about sai!"

Do Jin smiled, this kid was really annoying but respectful—he must have very dirty secrets. He chuckled.

Jie jie was annoyed by the expression on do jin's face, it was both annoying and threatening. It made jie jie not to trust him at all.

Do jin walked jie jie to his room and closed the door after. He sat down next to jie jie but jie jie shifted a little.

Jie jie asked." I want to know everything about sai!" Although Jie jie wanted to help Jay, he also wanted to know about Sai. Something about Sai made him feel different. Was it the depressed look on his face or the fear that was hidden under his power? Jie jie wanted to meet with Sai, he wanted to know what had happened to make a human look like a spirit.

And he also felt strange anytime he saw sai, he wanted to know why he felt like that. The rushing heart beats and the weird feeling in his stomach. Was it Sai's fault or his?

Do jin smiled. " Okay!"

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