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Wife?! This must be a joke!

I did not realize that I was shaking, I was staring at the woman that just introduced herself to me as Eduardo's wife, I blinked.

"What?" I scoffed, "are you deaf? I just told you and I am Eduardo's pregnant wife and that all you have to say? Eduardo is my husband! So to find out my husband who I am pregnant with his child, has gone off to Impregnate an American woman, and when there was crisis you somehow got him to protect you and put everything he has in your name!"

I stood there unmoving, what could I say? This was crazy! Eduardo had a wife and he had been fooling me all this while! The pregnancy books, the appointment ! The care the love! He could not have faked it! That is impossible!

"I do not know what game you are trying to play here but I do not believe what you are saying!"

Mama scoffed, "we do not need you to believe whatever she saying, we just need you to go up there pack to your belongings and get the hell out of my grandson's house!"

"Are you for real right now?! Eduardo is in jail! Sitting and waiting for us to do something and you want me to go, to where exactly?" I asked them.

"I do not care! But I am sure that a seductress like you had many other men that will be willing to take you and your bastards!"

"How dare you?!" I screamed her mama! I did not give a fuck who she was! She just called my unborn chick a bastard!

"How can you say that to me?!"

"Say what the truth?! You are carrying a bastard!"

"Look I am not going to sit here while you question the paternity of my child! Eduardo is the father of my child! I will not have you come here and say such horrible things about me or my child!" I exclaimed angrily, furiously glaring at Mama.

"You are right," Viola smiled, "that is why we are here, Javier, get her belonging and get her the fuck out of here?"

My mouth opened and closed, I could not believe that she just said, the fuck! I glanced at Javier, who was staring at Viola.

"Did you not hear me? I want here out of here in ten minutes!"

"Ma'am," Javier started, shocking me to the core, ma'am? The respect?! That was the same level of respect they accorded me, for being Eduardo's... I did no know what I was to him, aside from being his baby mama. Now, they accused me of fraudulent paternity, and Eduardo was not here to clarify anything.

"I am not joking Javier! I do not want to see this woman's face anywhere near me or my husband! She has done enough damages to him!" I opened and closed my mouth, my ear was ringing. I could not believe what I was hearing, Eduardo never told me he has a wife, I would have never gotten involved with him if I had known it. I was pregnant with his child and I was in the middle of wolves, he was not here to protect me from them.

Javier walked toward me, "Ma'am, please, it is best you leave for now," he said calmly. I felt like I had been sucker punched, I felt like I was losing my mind. Eduardo lied to me and I was here, trying to get him out of prison, loving him.

I will not cry in front of them, I sniffed, looking at the large ring on her finger, it looked similar, it looked very similar. It clicked, the jewellery he got me, when he took me on that date, it was from the same collection.

How is that possible? How is all of this possible? I wanted to cry but I had to get out of there! I was already humiliated enough.

"From now on you are no longer responsible for her, she is on her own," that made me worry. I could not go back to New York, not after I was attacked. I did not know who was out to get me this time, I had hung around Eduardo for so long that I was sure that the Russians would come after me.

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