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"Where the hell is she?!" I screamed as soon as I entered the hospital with men tight behind me. The nurse stood as soon as she sighed, "Good afternoon sir."

"Aviva Nyx! Where is she?" I asked him, "Sir, hum... Let me check... How are you related to the patient sir?" I asked.

"Look, I do not have time for these formalities!" I snapped, "Boss," Carlos muttered softly.

"Sir it is protocol, I can't let you in without knowing how you are related to the patient," I gritted my teeth.

"I am her fuckin bus and! Can you let me in? I need to see my wife!" I snapped.

"Husband? But..."

"Oh God..." I turned to Carlos, "Can you get Mikel on the ducking phone? I need to know what the hell is wrong!" I screamed. Carlos picked up his phone and dialled the number. He muttered something incoherent in Spanish and I decided to dart toward the other side of the hospital.

"Sir! Sir!" the nurse screamed, but I didn't stop. I was going crazy! I was fucking going crazy, I wanted to kill Mikel, how could he allow this to happen?! How could he be this incompetent?! Aviva must have been so hurt!

Mikel had called Carlos to inform him of what happened to Aviva. I could not believe my ears. I walked toward the elevator and waited for Carlos and Alejandro to enter the elevator. My men piled into the elevator, Carlos turned to me, "Aviva is on the third floor, room 216."

Miguel punched into the number and we waited until we got to the third floor. I was the first to get out of the cramped elevator, I ran toward the other end of the hallway and there was Mikel, Bianca was standing next to him, she looked like she had been crying for hours.

"Aviva! Where the hell is she?" I screamed at him, Bianca shrunk back, and I rubbed my nose, "Boss, the doctor said..."

"Said what? What the fuck happened?! How the hell was she fucking attacked?! Where the fuck were you?! Why did fuck did you allow her to be attacked?!"

"Don Eduardo," Alejandro muttered, he placed his hand on my chest pushing me back. "I did not know that it would happen, I just... I went to ease myself in the bathroom in the hospital when I found that she already left, I tried to catch up with her, and I found her... There..."

"You fuckin bastard!" I gritted out, "Mr Reyes! Please... We are already going through a lot!" I said.

"What happened to her?" I asked I was shaking, I was terrified of what could have happened.

"I... The doctor said that she had a concussion, she was bruised badly."

My heart was pounding, and I felt like I had made a huge mistake, I knew what the risk it when I let her go but I thought Marco would make his move. I thought Donald would make sure that she was protected. How the hell were they planning a wedding without a bride?! How were they planning the wedding Aviva had no idea what they were doing.

I had promised myself that I would not get involved with her again, but I was sure this attack was because of me. I was at fault, I put her in that position, "I want to see her," I said to her and looked around.

I walked toward the room, opened the door to the room, and entered the room, "Aviva," I said and stopped. My mouth ran dry, she was in the middle of the room, and heard the door open and close, from the other end of the room. Her aunt came out of the bathroom wiping her hand.

She frowned, "Bianca?" Dina said turning to Bianca that was behind me. I walked toward them ignoring them, "Aunt Dina, I think we should go to the cafeteria, you need to eat."

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