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My eyes opened and they moved around the strange room. My eyes went to the man sitting next to me, his eyes were closed as if he was sleeping. I was not sure if he was sleeping, his hand rested in the barrel of the gun.

The room we were in was hot, I felt so thirty wondering how long I was out. I glanced at the small window opposite me. I sat up and groaned, feeling pain radiate through my body reminding me of the pain I was suffering from. Bullet wounds hurt like a bitch. I felt tears pull from my eyes but I did not want to cry. I needed to be strong. The pain had reduced compared to when I was originally shot but it was still just pretty bad.

"You are awake!" Eduardo said I glanced at him as he approached me. He was wearing a different set of clothes this time. I guessed he had taken his bath, and put some bandage on his wounds, he had many.

"What are you... Where are we?" I questioned him as he approached me.

"I got help, we are safe for now, but..." he glanced at the other side of the room and sat on the table next to me.

"We cannot stay here for long. If I am correct, Rio is tracking us down as we speak. I need to call my second in command, he will make arrangements for a safe house for us. We need to leave California and stay there till they can locate us."

"What... Wait... Just hold up..." I said, overwhelmed. "I need you to take it one by one, I am overwhelmed. I can't deal with everything," his grey eyes ran through my body, making me shiver a little. I rubbed my aching hand.

"You look exhausted. How is your wound?" I glanced at my arm which was hurting very badly.

"I have been better," I said dismissively. I needed answers, "Why are we staying in a safe house? We should go to the police and report him.."

He shook his head, "you can't do that Aviva," he muttered. I frowned "What do you mean I cannot do that? That man kidnapped us! Tortured us! Almost raped me and you are saying I can't go to the police?"

"You cannot go, Aviva, listen to me! What is going on with Rio is bigger and deeper than you think. Gong to the police is a waste of time. I have allies in the country that could shield us, but I am very careful about what I do on American soil."

"I do not care what is between you and Rio! I am not going to be collateral damage for some silly little beef the both of you have. You want to take me to a safe house to do what?! Sit around?!"

"Look, I am not happy with the way things turned out. You will be appropriately compensated for your loss."

"Appropriately Compensated?! You are a fucking asshole you know that!" I yelled out to him.

"Keep your voice down!" he snapped making me angrier. "Do not yell at me, Eduardo!" I screeched.

"Then keep your voice down!" he said lower. "Look," he sighed rubbing his beard. "What we are dealing with is dangerous, we cannot just act recklessly. Staying here is very risky because he can find us that is why tomorrow, I plan on going to another side of the mountain and calling Benito, he will find a safe place for us to stay for the time being, I will make the appropriate communication and get protection from allies till my men can touch down."

"Well that is a very good plan but how exactly do I fit into all this? I was kidnapped because of you and now you want me to trust your words."

"Aviva you are in danger no matter what! You think I am happy that I have company when I am trying to get fucking help?!"

"I do not need your protection! I will a way out of here and book the first flight back to NY!"

"I do not advise you to do that! You will put yourself and your family at risk! Rio is determined to bring me down and he will punish you if he finds that I am unreachable."

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