Doctor dreamy - Part 11 - John x Reader

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"I hope you're hungry. When I start cooking, I don't seem to be able to stop..........." (Y/n) chuckled, as she pulled John through the doorway and into the lounge room.

"I am. I'm starving actually.............." John replied, as the agent helped him take off his jacket. (Y/n) juggling with the coat and the large bouquet.

In truth, he really was. He had spent all day trying to avoid going back to the flat; not sure what he would do to Sherlock, if he had had to face him after what he had done. The doctor just thankful that whatever the consulting detective had said to her, (Y/n) appeared to not have taken it seriously; and more importantly, was not blaming him for the younger Holmes' actions.

", would you be a darling, and open that bottle of white wine for me, while I put these away?" The agent continued, gesturing towards the bottle that sat on the coffee table. John smiling and nodding, as (Y/n) left the room. The doctor reaching for the bottle and corkscrew, his smile getting broader as he looked around the room. It nice not to see bullet holes in the wall or have an odd odour coming from the kitchen; that, and having to wonder if at any moment, whether one of Sherlock's experiments was going to blow the place up, or not.

"How was your day...........? I mean, apart from Sherlock.........?" John called out, as he pulled the cork from the bottle. The small pop sound, the signal for (Y/n) to come back to the room with two glasses.

"You mean when Sherlock suddenly appeared in front of my desk and demanded to know what my intentions were towards you, like he was your father? When it felt as though if I didn't tell him that I had nothing but the best intentions towards you, and would not contemplate sullying your good name, he might just frog march me down the aisle, with a shotgun in my back.............."

"Oh god........he didn't, did he.........? I am so sorry.............."

"Its ok, John........." (Y/n) laughed, as she held out the glasses for him to fill.

"Its obvious that he cares a lot about you; that he doesn't want you to be hurt. Its just the way he went about it, that's all. Though I have quickly come to see that your friend doesn't give a damn for the thoughts or feelings of others. He just does what he wants..........." The agent told him. Clinking her glass against his, before the pair took a seat on the sofa.

"But, apart from hurricane Holmes; whom I still think requires a collar and little bell, so we know that he is coming, and we can hide, it was a pretty good day. I closed two cases by finding the Peckham flasher and Kensington knicker napper. Turned out to be the same guy, though I wasn't surprised. And I got through another day without slapping Donovan, or punching Anderson. So, on the whole, it could have been about you...........?" (Y/n) continued. John unable to stop himself from laughing at the notion of the younger Holmes having to wear a collar. Having to admit the bell wasn't a bad idea; an early warning system to advise of an incoming Holmes, something that he would appreciate too.

"Oh, you know.........walking the streets of London............"

"Walking the streets............? Did Sherlock have you doing something.........?" The agent enquired. Her brows furrowing, as the doctor dropped his head, and shifted a little on the sofa.

"No..........I..........when Sherlock told me that he had been to see you, we had words. I left the flat, because I knew I would punch him in the nose, if I didn't. I haven't been back since this morning............."

"Oh, John................."

"I told him that if he had ruined my chances with you, I would never forgive him............."

"He hasn't.............." (Y/n) quickly interjected, as the doctor finally looked back up at her. His smile growing to match hers.

"Believe me, it would take a lot more than Sherlock Holmes to stop me from wanting to see you again, John. Like I said, I appreciate the fact that he is looking out for you. That, in his own unique way, he wants to protect you. But, when I want something, I am not easily swayed.............."

"And you want me...............?" John asked, as he moved a little closer to her.

"Most definitely.......I mean, I can thrash you at pool and darts; I have to keep you around for that alone. You are good for my ego, Doctor Watson." The agent replied with a chuckle. Kissing John on the nose, before she got to her feet and offered the doctor her hand.

"Now come on.......lets have dinner..............." She added, as John took her hand and allowed her to help him to his feet. The pair making their way to the small dining area.


John made his way back to the sofa, after helping (Y/n) clear the table; the doctor sure that if he ate any more, his pants would no longer fit, and more than one button would pop off his shirt. John sighing happily, as he dropped down into the softer seat; not able to remember when he had last had a meal that good.

"So......what did you think...........?" (Y/n) asked, as she made her way back from the kitchen, and took a seat next to him.

"I think that you are a very good cook. Where did you learn all that............?"

"Oh, you know; when you have travelled as much as I have, you tend to pick up a few things here and there. I must admit that I don't get to do this very often though, so it was nice. Doing all this for one person, never seems worth it. By the time I get home most nights, it seems just as much work to make myself a sandwich, as anything else. So, I should thank you for agreeing to come..........."

"I'm just glad that you still wanted me to come. I must confess that I was expecting a call from you after hearing about Sherlock.........."

"Like I told you, it would take more than Sherlock to ruin things. Though.........."

"Though what..............?" John enquired urgently. Wondering if something else had changed her mind about him.

"Well, I was just thinking........and you don't have to if you don't want to. But if you are still mad at Sherlock, and don't want to go back to the flat.............I thought that you might like to stay here............."

"Stay here............on the sofa............?"

"No John, not the sofa.............."

"You mean.........?"

"Yes, John. I mean.............." (Y/n) replied, as she leant over and placed a soft kiss to his lips.

"I am still very much mad at Sherlock, and don't want to go back to the flat..............." John agreed, before pulling the agent back to him, and taking his turn to kiss her. 

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