Nemesis - Part 11 - Mycroft x Reader

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For JustYourGirlLili

"Brother mine. Doctor Watson. To what do I owe the pleasure of the early morning visit?" Mycroft enquired sarcastically, as he opened the door. Mycroft smiling slightly, as Sherlock barged past into the residence without a word, followed closely by a very apologetic looking John. The older Holmes knowing that it was petty. But for once he didn't mind his younger brother's intrusion. Mycroft knowing exactly why Sherlock had come to call. Why the poor doctor was giving him that look that he would give everyone when Sherlock was being Sherlock. It was all because of (Y/n). And Mycroft had the desire to prove to Sherlock that (Y/n) wasn't just back in his life, but both of theirs. And his brother would just have to learn to deal with it. In fact, they would just both have to learn to deal with it. They would both have to learn to share her affections.

"Well.......?" The older Holmes asked. Doing his best not to smile too much, as Sherlock began to pace in front of the large, open fireplace. It obvious that Sherlock had more than a few things to say.

"I'm sorry, Mycroft. I tried................."

"I won't let you push (Y/n) away again!" Sherlock suddenly announced, interrupting his friend's apology. The younger Holmes moving to stand in front of his brother.

"I beg your pardon........?"

"You pushed (Y/n) away once. You took away the only person that I had met that understood me. That appreciated me. And now that she is back, I am not going to let you ruin everything like you did before, Mycroft. She will be staying whether you like it or not. And she and I will be having tea, lunch, dinner and whatever else we like, whenever we like. She might not be back in your life, but she is certainly back in mine."  Sherlock announced. The consulting detective furrowing his brows, as Mycroft finally let the full smile that he had been struggling to hide, slip onto his lips.

"Is that right............?"


(Y/n) fell back onto the bed; laughing as Mycroft closed the door behind him. His sigh still hanging in the air. What she had said before was true. Apart from the much more finely appointed room, this scene felt the same as it had done all those years before. She had always loved Sunday mornings. The world outside not seeming to matter, as she and Mycroft would sit in the bed and have the tea that he would always make, even if he had spent the weekend at her flat. (Y/n) resting her head on his shoulder, as the older Holmes would read his just delivered copy of the Sunday Times. Always doing her best to distract him. Mycroft pretending to complain, as her fingertips would creep up his bare chest. As her lips would find that one spot on his neck that she knew from experience drove him wild if she kissed it. The older Holmes finally relenting. The newspaper being thrown to the floor, as the air was filled with her giggles. Mycroft pinning her to the mattress, so that he could take his turn at teasing her. The whole thing becoming a wonderful blur, as they finally disappeared under the covers. There bodies moving together. (Y/n) sure then, as she was now, that there was nothing better than being with her Myckie.

Slowly she turned to her side. Her hands grabbing for Mycroft's pillow. (Y/n) pulling it close. A smile spreading across her lips, as she once again took in that cologne. The scent reminding her of wonderful nights and lazy days. Of the older Holmes' grumbles, as she would drag him out of the flat for one of her little days out. Of the day that they had gone to the River Cherwell in Oxford. Mycroft falling into the water, after doing his best to punt the pair up the course. The man resembling a rather unhappy looking springer spaniel, as he was pulled out of the drink.

"And what is this.........?" (Y/n) asked no one, as she opened her eyes and caught sight of another picture that was propped up against the lamp on the bedside table. The lady reaching across and carefully picking it up. Her smile getting broader, as she saw that it was a picture of herself in a two piece swimsuit during a trip she and Mycroft had taken to France. (Y/n) laughing, as she turned onto her back.

"And why do you have this here, Mister Holmes. Of all the pictures that you have of me, why is this one right at your bedside? Have you been thinking about me, Myckie? No wonder you had your wicked way twice last night, if you've been working yourself up with this little snapshot." (Y/n) laughed again, getting out of the bed and pulling off a sheet so that she could wrap it around her body, as she decided to use this to tease Mycroft. That, and she was beginning to wonder where her tea was. Sure, that it shouldn't take this long to boil a kettle and grab a few teabags. And hoping that he hadn't forgotten her toast.

Quietly, she made her way out onto the landing and down the stairs. Her eyes too focused on the old picture to notice the raised voice. To see the two other men that were now in the house, as she made her way into the living room.

"Mycroft Holmes. Why do you have this..............Oh my god, Sherlock! Doctor!" (Y/n) exclaimed, as she finally looked up. Her eyes growing wide as she saw the two Holmes boys stood toe to toe. As she saw John. Sherlock's look of anger turning to one of embarrassment, as (Y/n) pulled the sheet around her naked form a little tighter. Mycroft's smile getting a little bigger, as he left his brother, and joined a very red looking (Y/n). His arm wrapping itself around her waist.

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