Doctor dreamy - Part 6 - John x Reader

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"Date, huh?" A voice came, as John came around the corner. His already broad smile, getting even broader as he saw the agent leant up against the wall.

" too?" The doctor replied, as he made his way over to her.

"Yep, and an unmitigated disaster it is too. I have been on some bad dates in my life, but this blind date has to be the worst. What about you...........? Your date looks...............nice..........." (Y/n) told the doctor, John looking over his shoulder and to the doorway that led back to the dining area.

"Um.........yeah, nice.............I suppose you could say that. Though she isn't really.................."

"Your type............." The agent interrupted. Chuckling slightly, as John nodded his head in agreement.

"To be honest, Doctor Watson, she doesn't look like the kind of woman I could see you with; she's a little too............."

"Yes, she is. And its John, please, agent (Y/l/n)." John agreed. Not needing the gorgeous agent to say anything more. The doctor already having made his mind up about his date. That, and he was never going to use that dating website ever again.

"And, er..............the man that you're with. If you don't mind me saying he's not......................"

"I agree........John. He most definitely isn't. I swear that he has done nothing but talk about himself since before we sat down. I think I know everything about him, but his inside leg measurement; though, if I have to go back to that table, that might just be the next thing I discover. Oh, and its (Y/n), please." (Y/n) explained with a sigh, as she slumped further back onto the wall. John joining her.

"Mine too. She keeps talking to me about plastic surgery. I think somehow she got the wrong notion about what kind of doctor I am..........."

"Hoping for a free touch up is she..................?"

"I think it would be more a boob job..........."

"Geez, do they make implants that big? Maybe she should just shove a couple of beach balls in her bra. Much cheaper............" (Y/n) laughed. John having to join her. Not only because the agent had a point, but also because her laugh was infectious; and after the night that he had already had, he needed a good laugh.

"Well, John, what a pair we are. You're out with plastic Pam, and I am spending the evening with a cow worshipper that wants to learn to play panpipes with llamas. The only thing that could make this evening worse, is if your friend Holmes was here. I can only imagine what he would have to say.............."

"Oh god, Sherlock!" John exclaimed, as he recalled that sooner or later, and whether he liked it or not, he was going back to the flat, and the consulting detective would know that he had been right about the whole evening.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to touch a nerve............."

"It...........its not a nerve. It's just that Sherlock already told me that this evening wasn't going to go as planned. That my date wasn't meant for me. Just the notion of that 'I told you so' look, sends a shiver down my spine. To be honest, he said that I would have had a better time if I had asked you out when we met this morning. That you were more my type................" John began. His mouth suddenly closing and eyes growing wide, as he realised what he had just said.

"Well............I didn't mean.........what I meant was..........and it was Sherlock's idea. I didn't............."

"You know, that's not a bad idea.............." (Y/n) interrupted. Her heart beating a little quicker, as the doctor blushed.

"What.........what isn't.................?"

"Well, the night is still young, as they say. And as your date is obviously going as bad as mine, why don't you and I make a break for it? I got told of this nice little place not far from here. Its just a traditional kind of pub, but it sounds fun. And I think that being able to spend some time with you, getting to know you a little better, might just turn this evening around. That, er.............that's if you'd like to. If you can tear yourself away............."

"Really.........? You would really like to do that.............?"

"Of course. And I think that I might actually be agreeing with Sherlock Holmes. I would say I was more your type too." (Y/n) replied, as she smiled hopefully at him. Butterflies beginning to flutter in her stomach, as John nodded his head enthusiastically.

"Wonderful. Now, I am just gonna go out there and tell the llama lover that I got a call from work. I know someone mentioned to him that I was working for Scotland Yard, so hopefully he won't think anything. Maybe you can tell your girl the same?" The agent continued. John simply nodding enthusiastically again.

"I'll go now. Give it a couple of seconds, and you follow. I'll meet you outside, right around the corner." (Y/n) added. Giving John a kiss on the cheek before heading back to the dining room. The doctor watching as she simply stood in front of her date, said a few words, took her coat from the back of the chair, and made for the door. The doctor too happy to be getting out of there, too happy to have to chance to get to know the agent better, to wait too long. John straightening himself, before making his way back to the table.

"Oh, there you are................I was just talking about............."

"Um, yeah. I'm really sorry Sofia, but I just had a phone call. I am afraid I have to go. But................" John began, as he took his wallet from his pocket, and pulled out some cash.

"I........I think that this should be enough to pay for dinner. It was nice to have met you..............." The doctor continued, placing the cash on the table and giving Sofia an apologetic smile, before bolting for the door.

"Well, John. Lets go and see if we can do something about this evening, shall we?" (Y/n) said, as the doctor appeared around the corner. John happily taking her arm and letting her lead him into the cool London air. 

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