Doctor dreamy - Part 2 - John x Reader

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(Y/n) looked at herself in the mirror. She had no idea how she had been talked into this. No idea why she had listened to her friends when they had told her that she needed something like this. That she needed to get out. That after what had happened, what she had been through, she needed to let her hair down and enjoy herself. So, what had she agreed to..........a blind date!

She had been assured that this blind date, or Michael as he was known, was a good guy. That they shared interests and would get on quite well; but she still wasn't sure about the whole thing. Wasn't sure that it was a good idea. She had really only been back on her feet for the last couple of months, relieved to be working again thanks to her bosses, Mycroft Holmes and Greg. Yet her main goal was to prove herself fit enough to get back to what she should really be doing. To prove that she was healthy enough to be back in the field, and not just capable of making coffee and shuffling files for the very sweet detective inspector. But what the hell, one night out with what she had been reliably informed was a very handsome man, couldn't hurt, could it? A night just to forget about what she had been through, to forget about her continuing recovery and work to get herself fit, should do her good. (Y/n) taking a seat on the bed as she continued to look at herself. The INTERPOL operative finding her thoughts drifting to things that had happened earlier that day. To the two new men that she had met.

She had heard the horror stories about Sherlock. About the whirling dervish that would appear on a crime scene, throwing out insults and insinuating that everyone around him was an idiot, before telling Greg the solution to the case and then disappearing as quickly as he had appeared, leaving behind him a trail of destruction; yet (Y/n) had wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. She had wanted to see him for herself before she judged the consulting detective. Not ready to accept the stories at face value, especially when a lot of those stories came from the likes of Anderson and Donovan. But now that she had met him, she would have to say that she could see why there were so many stories. Why so few people at the yard, actually seemed to like Sherlock Holmes.

(Y/n) had to admit that she had found Sherlock attractive when Greg had introduced her to him. That he had quite the most beautiful, though cold eyes; but when he had opened his mouth, when he had spoken about her and what had happened to her, the chance that she had been willing to give him, had quickly vanished. That instead of being pleasant like normal people would when they met someone new; instead of wanting to make a good impression, he had gone straight to wanting to prove how smart he was. To showing off his deductive prowess by dragging up the worst time of her life. To trying to, perhaps belittle her in front of his friend and her current boss, because she had made a joke about traumatized uniformed officers. But now she knew what to really expect, she wouldn't let down her guard again if she were ever unfortunate enough to have to meet the younger Holmes in the future.

But then.........then there had been the doctor. Now, even from the little interaction that she had had with him, she could tell that this John Watson was nothing like Sherlock. From the moment that she had stepped foot in Greg's office with his coffee, her eyes had found their way to his soft blue orbs. (Y/n) able to see that there was a gentleness behind them, a kindness that she found herself draw to. And then, when Greg had introduced her, and he had given her that goofy grin and a little wave in greeting, she hadn't been able to do anything but smile at the gesture. To chuckle to herself at the sweetness of the man. Her teeth biting into her lower lip, as she had taken in the doctor's handsome visage.

Some may say that he might not be what would be classed as classically handsome. That he didn't have the chiselled jaw, or cheek bones that looked like they could be used to cut blocks of ice, like Sherlock did; but to her, he was quite the cutest thing that she had seen. His soft features, the deep furrows across his forehead, the pleasant smile and kind eyes making her want to get to know him better. Wanting to know more about his time as an army doctor and all the places that his service had taken him. (Y/n) quite sure that he had suited the moniker of 'Doctor Dreamy' that she had given him before she had left him, Sherlock and Greg to whatever they had been discussing. The still recovering agent, wondering if the doctor was as single as his friend. Sure, that she would not be filled with as much trepidation, if she was going to meet him at the rather swanky Italian restaurant that she was going to meet Michael at in Mayfair. But as it was, her date was with this mystery man and not the doctor. The current assistant to Detective Inspector Greg Lestrade hoping that when she got to the place, she would be pleasantly surprised. That she would find herself eating with a man that she found as pleasing as she had found the doctor. That she would enjoy his company, and perhaps it could lead to another date; but she wouldn't find that out unless she moved. (Y/n) quickly combing her fingers through her hair just one last time before she grabbed for her bag and made her way out of the bedroom. 

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