Night at the opera - Part 4 - Sebastian x Reader

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Sebastian had been unable to stop watching (Y/n), as she had mingled with the other singers, the backers and special invited guests. Unable to stop himself from enviously watching, as James stood by her side and placed his arm around her waist. And given that, he had not failed to notice how the beautiful Queen of the Night would occasionally look over at him. Would give him a soft smile, as he caught her eye. And he also hadn't failed to notice that (Y/n) had managed to slip away from James. That she had vanished through a door at the back of the room. His boss appearing to be a little preoccupied with all the kudos that he was receiving for having been able to bring (Y/n) back to London, from the continent, to notice that she had left his side. Seb almost inhaling the liquor in his glass, before quietly making his way to the door. Finding that the ingress led to a small alley at the back of the famous theatre.

"Oh, god. You scared me." (Y/n) gasped, as she turned around at the sound of the door closing. Her hand pressed firmly over her heart, as she tried to steady her breathing.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I just came to make sure that you were alright?" Seb explained. His own heart pounding, as (Y/n) moved closer.

"I'm fine. Thank you. I just needed a little air. It's a little stuffy in there what with all those bodies. And as James, who I swear is a frustrated performer, seems to be enjoying the limelight, I thought I would just come outside by myself for a few moments. I didn't think anyone would notice me..........."

"I would always notice you." Seb interrupted, closing the distance between he and (Y/n) further.

"You have to be the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." The ex-colonel continued. His hand reaching up and brushing a few stray strands of hair away from (Y/n)'s face. A small smile pulling at the corners of his mouth, as a soft pink hue creeped up onto her cheeks.

"And.........and I think that you have to be the most handsome man that I have ever seen." (Y/n) replied with a soft chuckle. Her eyes fluttering closed, as the tall man lay his hand tenderly on her cheek. Her breath catching in her throat, as she felt his warmth. As she felt him move closer still. His body now pressed up against hers.

"So....... engaged, huh?" Seb continued, as he broke the comfortable silence that had fallen over the scene.

"Yes. I've known James for quite a while, but never thought he would ever ask me to marry him." (Y/n) replied, as her eyes opened to look up into the most wonderful blue orbs that she had ever been fortunate enough to see.

" know what he really does then. You know what I do.........?"

"Yes. I am well aware of what James' real business is. I don't approve of what he does. What he has become. And.........and given that........I don't necessarily need to be a genius to figure out what you do........."

"And you don't mind...........?"

"Its not that I don't mind, Sebastian. Its more that I lo...........I care about James a great deal. And for right or wrong, there are things that I have chosen to overlook. Things that I have stayed deaf to. James means the world to me. He has always been such a help............"

"But do you love him.......?" Seb interrupted, once more. The urgency in his voice making (Y/n)'s eyes grow wide, as he moved so that his forehead was resting against hers.

"I..........I thought I did.........I believed I did until a short while ago. Until I lay my eyes on you, I knew that I would happily spend the rest of my days with him. But I............I don't think........" (Y/n) tried to explain, before she pulled away. The diva taking to pacing the alley, as she shook her head.

"No.......this is insane. I don't know you. I only just met you. I've known James for years. I lo..........I love him. We are engaged. We are going to be married. I can't be having these feelings for a man that I have just met. A man that I have barely even spoken to." (Y/n) protested. Appearing to be trying to convince herself more than anyone else. Seb catching hold of her wrist and pulling her into his arms.

"You're right. This is insane. We don't know one another. We have only said a few words to one another. But if you feel the same things that I do.......then this is real, (Y/n). And if you do feel those things, then you aren't as in love with Jim as you thought." Seb told her. His hand delicately holding her chin, so that he could make her look at him. So, he could see her eyes.

"We can get to know one another, if that's what you want. We can do anything that you want. If you want me to turn around and go back into that room, so that we can pretend that this never happened. I'll do that. But if you don't want to lose this, whatever this is between us, then tell me. Because I don't want to let you go." The marksman continued. His lips crashing into hers. (Y/n) wrapping her arms around his neck so that she could pull him closer. So that she could deepen the kiss. The two lost for a moment in one another. Lost to the world and their dangerous situation. The two jumping apart, at the sound of the party spilling into the alley, hit their ears. James smiling as he made his way into the cool night air.

"There you are my angel. I thought that I had lost you." James said, as he moved to her side. The consulting criminal taking her hand and giving it a gentle squeeze.

"I just needed a little air. And as you were enjoying all the congratulations, I didn't want to drag you from your audience. Sebastian here had just come to make sure I was alright." (Y/n) explained. Giving James a soft smile, as he placed her hand in the crook of his elbow.

"I was actually hoping that I could go home. It's been a long day. I'm a little tired, and we have another performance tomorrow evening. I need to rest my voice." (Y/n) said, as James led her back into the building, with Seb close behind.

"Of course, my love. But Sebastian and I will drive you home. I can't have anything happening to you, now can I?" James agreed. The pair saying their goodbyes before leaving the party. Seb making his way to get the car. Hoping beyond hope that his boss hadn't seen (Y/n) and he, kiss. Hoping that she would be safe with the feared criminal. 

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