By any other name - Part 10 - John x Sherlock x Mycroft x Reader

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"Mom!" Came an excited voice. (Y/n) looking out of the window, as she heard a car pull up outside the cottage. Her brows furrowing as she saw the vehicle and the man that got out. The doctor watching as he made his way up the path to the front door. It obvious from his quite nice suit, that he wasn't just some guy that had been hired to pick her and Dante up. No, this guy reeked of government. It reeked of Mycroft. But what could she do?

"They're here mom. Check out the car............." Dante called out again. The doctor doing her best to smile at her son, as she looked down at him from the top of the staircase. The seventeen year old looking more excited than she had seen him since he was a little boy.

She had been dreading this day. The week on one hand seeming to race by, then on the other, dragging painfully slowly. But no matter how much she really didn't want to do this, this was Dante's day. A day in which he would be able to meet his hero; the one and only Sherlock Holmes.

There had been a number of times that she had wanted to talk to her son about Sherlock. When he had first become fascinated by the younger Holmes' cases, thanks to Doctor Watson's blogs, she had hoped that it would be just a passing fancy. That he would find something else that grabbed his attention. But with more and more blogs, she had seen that wouldn't be the case. That the whole thing fascinated him, and whether she liked it or not, Dante was more like his uncle than she could ever have thought.

Slowly she made her way down the steps as Dante opened the front door. The man smiling slightly, as he looked the boy up and down.

"Mister (Y/l/n)? I've come to take you to London............."

"Mom will you............."

"Will you stop shouting, Dante, I'm here. And will you stop worrying, we won't be late, this gentleman has got here in good time. That, and I don't think that Mister Holmes nor Doctor Watson are going anywhere. They aren't going to vanish into the ether." (Y/n) told her son, before grabbing her coat and bag. The pair allowing the driver to lead them to the long, black limousine. The doctor shaking her head at the vehicle, as the man opened the door for them to climb inside.


"Sherlock................!" John exclaimed, as he made his way into the living room. The consulting detective just sitting in his chair, with his eyes closed.

"Sherlock..............!" The doctor exclaimed again. The sound of utter exasperation in his voice. He knew that (Y/n) and her son would be at Baker Street at any moment. He had been running around all morning trying to make the place look presentable for their visitors. Wishing he could cover up the bullet holes in the wall. Hoping that he at least could make some kind of good impression on the pair. That, and if Sherlock didn't open his eyes, there was no guaranteeing that the once fiancé of Mycroft's, wouldn't slap him again.


"Will you stop fussing, John. (Y/n) and my nephew will not be here until eleven o'clock. There are no major roadworks between the Cotswolds and here; so given the speed limit and barring any unforeseen accidents, the pair will not be here for another thirty minutes............."

"Then that gives you plenty of time to help me clean up..........."

"Why bother...............?" Sherlock asked, as he finally opened his eyes and looked at his old friend.

"(Y/n) knows me of old; despite the years, I have changed very little, so she will know what to expect. And as she was here not that long ago, the place will be of no surprise. As far as her son is concerned, he is coming here to meet you and I; and despite being Mycroft's son, he takes more after his mother and will not care about a little mess. In fact, I believe that it will make us more interesting. Now, will you sit down and stop acting as though the Queen is coming for tea." The younger Holmes added, before leaning back in his chair and letting his body relax.

Suddenly the door began to open. Sherlock sitting up straight once more, as Mycroft made his way into the flat. The younger Holmes already having expected his brother to show his face, despite his warning.

"Out!" Sherlock ordered, Mycroft not even fully through the door.

"I told you not to come. That you wouldn't be welcome............."

"I am not here to cause any trouble, Sherlock. I will not be staying. All I want is for you to give this to (Y/n) before she and her son leave." Mycroft replied, as he pulled a letter from his pocket and held it towards his brother. Sherlock looking at him for a moment, before reaching out to take the envelope.

"You've been to see her, haven't you............? She told you that the boy is yours, but just as she told me, she doesn't want you in her or Dante's life. She wants you to stay away; to forget about her and the boy.............." Sherlock stated, as he pushed the note into his pocket.

"Indeed, brother mine. Not that it is a problem. I have no time for (Y/n) or the boy. Everything is a little busy at the moment; I have my own, well-ordered life, and I have far better things to do than worry about a woman that I haven't seen for nearly twenty years, and a son that I do not know. That, and I haven't spent nearly enough time at the club recently. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to get to Westminster." Mycroft replied, before turning and making his way back out of the flat. John getting up and closing the door before turning to look at Sherlock.

"He didn't mean any of that, did he.............?"

"Not a single word. Though he would like to have us believe it. And more, he would like to convince himself that that is true. Now, I believe that you should go and put the kettle on, John. (Y/n) and her son will be here very soon." Sherlock agreed, before closing his eyes again.  

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