26| Montreal GP

720 16 0

Charles Leclerc

It was race day today so that means we need to get to the track early. I was feeling a lot better from friday and they told me that the car was doing fine and that I would be able to race. I woke Aria up and she was currently getting ready in the bathroom and I was waiting for her in the bedroom. She came out with her hair still wet and just a towel wrapped around her body. The towel was kind of short because it put her legs on full display. I watched as she dug around the closet for something and had to stop my thoughts from wondering places they shouldn't. I couldn't help but stare. 

I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her waist from the back pressing our bodies flush against each other. I start to press hungry kisses on the back of her neck. She lets out a sigh before turning around to face me. She pecks my lips before saying "We don't have time for this right now we need to leave its race day" She says before squirming to get out of my arms to go change. 

"I'm sure we can be quick" I say placing faster kisses on the base of her neck. "No Charles as much as I want to we can't we'll be late and I want to keep my job" She got out of my grasp and went to go change leaving me needy and sad. 

We left a few minute later after realized what time it was. We rushed down to the track and like always I had to stop for the fans. After that we didn't waste any time getting to the garage. I went and got changed into my fireproofs and race suit. I let my race suit hang around my hips and grabbed my note book and headphones. 

I sat in the corner where I can see everything that was going on, including Aria. She sat on crouched over the table scribbling things in her notebook. Her head lifts only slightly to look at the computer then back down to the notebook to scribble more numbers on the notebook. She bit her lip softly while she kept writing down her calculations. He hair cascades down her shoulder and neck and begins to cover her face but she quickly pushes in behind her ear.

I break away from looking at her and try to play it off by writing random things in my notebook.I put on my headphones and turned on the video of Aria reading to me. I sit back and observe everyone but really I was focused on Aria. She got up with some stacks of paper in her hands and took them over to Mattia and was discussing something to him. After a bit Mattia turns around and points to me. She nods then goes back to her table to grab her things. I see her try and make her way through the busy garage. 

She sets her stuff down on the small table to the side and sits down next to me. A small smile creeps onto my face when she scoots next to me. I pause the audio and take off my headphone so I can listen to what she's saying. 

"You stare a lot" She says "You notice a lot" I say back quickly. "I need to talk about these reports with you" She says to me. I look round to make sure no one it watching before creeping my hand onto her thigh. She looks at me with wide eyes and I just simply smile. She begin to talk to me about the car and what I should do today along with some strategies on what I should do. My hand begins to go further up her thigh and I slightly squeeze it.  

"Charles I know but we can't people might be watching" she whispers. "No one is watching love" I say. She moves to get her laptop and my hand slip off. I looked at the time and saw that it was almost time to get in the car so I did my suit up and looked over my notes once again. Aria had gone to go get somethings from the back and emerged after a few minutes. Just as I was about to put my balaclava on she comes over and whispers in my ear "Win this race and I'll let you do anything you want to me tonight" and walks away smoothly. 

A wave of heat rushes through my body and straight to my bottom half. A new spark ignites in me and gets me more motivated. I get into the car and later they tell me to go out into my starting point at P3 on the track. 

Time skip to the middle of the race

I've been doing pretty good and made my way to P2 behind Max and Lewis. But my engineers were currently fighting on the radio about whether I should try and keep my place or if I should go in and switch to soft tires. "Stop fighting and get Aria on the headset right now and let her decide because shes the only one who can make good decisions" I yell through my radio. There was a brief silence before I heard shuffling on the radio. "Hi ok I really think that you need to pit this lap put on softs then push for Max because his tires are already wearing out" She says and I do as she says. 

The pit stop is fast only 2.1 seconds and I was back out on the track. I came up right behind Max on turn five with 3 laps to go. "Charles its this next turn or never you need to push him into the inside and take the outside line" Aria says through the radio. Like magic Max takes the inside that gives me a chance to take him from the outside. I push the car and slip in front at the apex of the turn.  

"Yes Charles you did it now just keep it going he can't stop for tires your doing great" She spoke through the microphone. Just hearing her voice calmed me and added to that flame inside me. I was able to get a few seconds ahead of Max and claimed the checkered flag. "And with that Charles Leclerc win the 2023 Canadian Grand Prix" The announcer yells through the stadium. The crowd is going wild and I take a lap around the track. I stop the car get out and make sure I remember Jules and Tonio and dad before running to go celebrate with my team. 

They all engulfed me in hugs and pats on my back and head. Aria is standing a little to the end by Mattia and I give him a hug before finally taking off my helmet and balaclava and pulling her into a tight hug. She hugs me back. "I'm seriously going to push for you to become my main engineer" I say and she just smiles. I pull away and they tell me I need to get ready for my podium celebration. I go into the cooldown room and grab my drink and sitting down with Max and Lewis. 

"So your girlfriends now also one of the best strategist on the team eh" Max says sitting dow next to me. I laugh at his comment, "Yes I'm going to try and get them to hire her as my engineer" I say and both Max and Lewis laugh. 

They bring us to the podium and I get my trophy. I get sprayed with champagne by both Max and Lewis. After that we all separate to go change and get ready for interviews. 

I text Aria to see if she can come help me get ready and she said she'll be here in 10 minutes. I run a quick shower in the little bathroom and change into my none champagne covered race suit and fireproofs. Just as I finish changing Aria walks in through my door and locks it. She comes over and places her bag down before straddling my lap and kissing me. "I guess you do get your prize after all" She says pulling away. I smile under her and kiss her neck. "Ok we can do this after you have about a million and one interviews to do right now and you look not presentable" She states. 

After fixing my hair she puts a bit of concealer on my face along with some other stuff. After she finished I look into the mirror and look much better. "I don't know what I would do without you" I say and she giggles. 

"I'm serious do you want to become my engineer because you are damn good at that job" I say looking at her. "I mean maybe but its a big maybe I would but I don't want to make Xavi feel bad" She says. "Don't worry about him we'll find him something else" I say. "Just think about it" I say. 

She nods and we both get up and leave for the interviews and debrief of the race. 

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