4| Fruit Bowl

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Aria King

I woke up with a pounding headache a about a trillion messages from each of the girls asking me if I got to the hotel alright. I quickly sent the group chat a message saying that I got home fine and just had a massive hangover.  

I then went to take a cold shower because it helped me feel refreshed and get rid of my hangover symptoms. I stepped out and did my skincare really well because I had slept in my makeup last night and have sensitive skin that breaks out really easily.

I walked out and put on a pair of sweat pants and a sweatshirt that was way to big for me. I took some Tylenol and then headed down to breakfast. 

I got down there and didn't really see any of the drivers there probably because they were also hungover. I decided to grab a big bowl of fruit and a bottle of sparkling water and head up to the roof. 

It was beautiful. It was silent. No one was there. It was just you and your thoughts. Up here alone in silence you could breath. It was my peace. I crave this. I love to be alone. 

I set my food down and sit down to think. In this moment my mind drifted to my ex and that night. He wasn't even sorry. He kicked me out without a second thought. After a year for doing nothing but loving him I found out he's been cheating on me with my best friend.  I didn't really have time to feel sad. I made myself not feel sad anymore. I didn't want to get hurt again or feel that way ever again but this time I let myself. 

Silent tear fell from my eyes. Why did this always happen to me? I get betrayed by everyone I love. Almost every friend I've had has screwed me over for no reason. I did nothing but be nice to people. I get that I can be annoying but why me?

Tears fell from my eyes without me even knowing. That night I had lost my job and was tired and wanted to just come home and cuddle with my boyfriend. I opened to my bedroom to see him and my best friend of five years in bed together. Neither one of them tried to apologize. I left that night to stay with a friend. The next morning I got a text from my boyfriend saying that it was over and that he was in a relationship with my ex best friend and that I could come over to pick up my stuff and that was it. 

For the first time in a while I felt my heart break. And I let it. Just for today I let it hurt. 

Just then I heard the door of the rooftop open to see no other than Charles Leclerc himself. He saw me his eyes widen then they turn soft. 

"I'll leave" He said said turning his body back to the door.  "No stay please I actually like you." I say before he can start his decent down the stairs. He paused for a moment before coming and sitting beside me but still a bit far. 

"I usually never see anyone up in these places." He said looking forward. "Neither do I but it's nice to have you here" I say smiling at him. 

"I never got to tell you thank you for getting me to the hotel safe" I say returning my gaze to the view before us.

"It's no problem really it would not be very nice to leave a lady by herself" He says laughing. 

The light shone perfectly on him and brought the color of his eyes out. They were so beautiful. It looked as if an artist painted them with emeralds and took years with every detail. His smile was one that made my heart jump. I couldn't help but start to smile with him. 

"Do you want some fruit?" I say looking to the fruit bowl that sat between us. He nods and says thank you. 

"What are you doing up here anyways?" He asks while biting some watermelon. 

"I like the peace I feel when it's so silent and there is no one here to bother you so it' just you and your thoughts. I feel like I can breath when i'm alone and not constantly hearing noise. It lets me think about myself and lets me reflect on my life." I say. I never really tell anyone about this but I felt safe in talking to him. 

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