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Aria King

Monaco was beautiful. I was so excited to go and explore and see this amazing place. But I was even more excited that I was going to spend it with Charles. 

I slept extremely well after traveling all day yesterday. I woke up and brushed my teeth and threw on a sweatshirt that I found on the chair in the room. I walked out to find a shirtless Charles in the kitchen. Oh lord have mercy on me

He was facing away from me and his hair was a bit wet from his shower. I could feel my knees go weak for a moment when looking at him. I sat in one of the barstools and continued to watch his back move while he looked around in the fridge. 

He then turned around and looked at me which snapped me back to reality.

"Good morning mon ange" he said with a smile. "Good morning" I say smiling and yawning. 

"So I was thinking we could go to a little cafe I know fro breakfast what do you think?" He asks. "I think that perfect." I say. 

"Great so let me go put a shirt on and we can leave." He says. "Do you have to put a shirt on?" I say giggling. He just laughs and shakes his head and goes to grab a shirt. 

He comes back and we both leave. We decided that it would be better to walk then to drive because it was only a short distance. We arrive at a small cafe with and open floor plan that looked on to the sea.  

It was nice and quiet and all you could hear was the waves crashing up onto the shore. No one was really on the beach so it was a clear view. 

We both order a coffee and he ordered a normal croissant while I ordered one filled with chocolate. We went and sat outside across from each other. A few minutes later our food and drinks came and we started to eat. I ate happily and watched the sea from afar. The water was so blue here. The air was so clear and fresh. I love it. 

"Do you want to go to the beach today?" Charles asked finishing his food. I nodded excitedly. 

We get up and go back home and decided that we would go in a few hours. After about two hours I go pack a bag of snacks and juice into a basket along with a blanket and towels in a separate bag. 

Charles came back in with swim trucks and a shirt on. I then went to change into my swimsuit. I put on a white floral bikini and a blue shirt over that. I let my hair down and grabbed my sunglasses. I walk out and grab the bag of towels while handing the basket of food to Charles. 

We walked down the street to the beach. I took out the blanket and laid it out and laid back. I took out my back while Charles said that he was going to tan for a but then go into the ocean. I watched him take off his shirt and lay down next to me. I smile to myself and get back to reading my book. After about 30 minutes Charles got up "I'm going to go into the ocean you wanna come?" he asked. I shook my head and said that I would join him in a ten minutes. 

I watched him run into ocean and start splashing around. I stood up for a moment to remove my shirt in top. Just then I felt two strong wet arms wrap around my waist and pick me up. I realized that it was Charles and I was quickly being dragged to the ocean. I tried to escape but eventually gave up.  I was then thrown into the ocean. I was expecting it to be cold but it was nice and warm. I got up and flipped my waist length hair back out of my face. I watched as Charles laughed at his accomplishment. I splash him with water and soon we were having a full on splash fight. You both were laughing your heads off. You turned around for a second you heard splashing then you felt Charles tackle you into the ocean. You resurface and jump onto Charles trying to playfully shove his head under the water. 

We played for a while then rested on the blanket and started to eat the food we brought. We talked while eating about nothing important. It was the fact that we were so comfortable with each other and could talk about anything together. I leaned on his shoulder and watched the sun go down. We decided it was time to go home so we packed up and started walking back.

"Thank you Charles this was amazing." I say when we reach home. "This was no problem I love today so thank you for spending it with me." He said. We both part ways and go to shower and wash off all the sand. 

We come back and end up ordering some pizza and watching a movie. We put on Black Panther 2 and cuddle together on the couch while eating pizza. 

He laid his head on my lap and faced the tv. We finished the movie and then decided to call it a night. 

I head to bed and tried to go to sleep. After about three hours of not being able to sleep I get up to go get some water. I bring my blanket with me and my water and go out to his balcony. It was so beautiful here. I lean on the railing. I look out to the quiet city and take in the peace. I hear the sliding door open and see Charles stand next to me. 

"What are you doing out here mon ange?" he asks rubbing his hands on his shoulders because it was a bit chilly. The blanket was big so I offered some to him. He gratefully accepted it and wrapped it around himself. We were very close with each other which helped with being warm. 

"I couldn't sleep so I came out here" I say looking out toward the city. "I know I also like to come out here and enjoy this" He says. 

"Charles I just wanted to say thank you for letting me come here and being such a comforting amazing person to me. You've done so much more than I could ever ask for so thank you." I say looking at him. 

He doesn't say anything he just looks at me with nothing but love in his eyes. We stared at each other for a good minute. He looked down to my lip and I watched him lick them. "I really want to kiss you right now" He says in a low whisper. 

"Then kiss me" I whisper. He moved his hand to move a piece of my hair behind my ear and place his hand on my cheek. He leaned in a placed his lips on mine. I kissed him back. He pulled back for a second and smiled wide then kissed me again this time longer. Soon enough we making out and smiling in between kisses. 

"I just want you to know that you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen inside and out." I smiled and kissed him. 

I got a bit tired and we decided to go to bed. "Goodnight I'll see you in the morning love." He kissed me goodnight. 

I went to sleep that night with a large smile on my face. I can't believe that I just kissed Charles Leclerc.

Word count: 1.5K

I finished a episode of my podcast while writing this. 

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