5| Flying

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Charles Leclerc 

I don' t know how it happened but now Aria is coming to stay with me in Monaco. Yesterday I felt better than I had most days. I didn't even feel that happy when I won in Miami. We had spent almost the entire day together. I was sure that I missed a few things with interviews and work but I could apologize for that later. 

I made sure that the pilot for my private plane back to Monaco knew that I would be bringing a friend along and that he was ok with it. He said that it was totally fine and not to worry about a thing because everything was already taken care of. 

I couldn't believe that I was going to spend two whole weeks with that angel in my house. I could not wait to show her Monaco. I was going to take her to the beach and the yacht. I would be incredible. 

I smiles and laughed to myself while thinking of the thing we were going to do together while I packed. I then got into bed and made and picked up my phone to text Aria. 

Me: I'll pick you up at 10 mon ange :)

Aria: I'll be ready hopefully...

Me: Don't worry I'll make sure you wake up in time.

Aria: Thank you love <3

I stared at the love part. I stared for a good five minutes. I felt like I was a teenager that had his first crush. I went to sleep with a smile on my face for the first time in a while. 

Time skip to morning

I woke up with my alarm and remembered I needed to get ready and go get Aria. I got up and went to brush my teeth and take a quick shower. I put on a sweatshirt and sweatpants. I was going to fly so I wanted to just dress casually. I left my hair wet and put my headphones on and checked the time. I also sprayed some of my cologne and then left with my luggage. 

I went to the elevator and pressed 12. It opened to the floor and I walked over to where her room was. I knocked twice and head shuffling on the other side of the door. She opened the door and smiles at me. She was also in a sweatshirt and sweatpants. She had put her hair into a messy bun and she didn't have any makeup on. 

Even when she wasn't trying she could make me fall to my knees. "Hey I'm ready let me get my bags and then we can go." She said turning to grab her bags. She didn't even struggle picking up the bag. They looked a but heavy and I was amazed and a bit turned on by the fact that this beauty can take care of herself. She did a final scan around the room to make sure that she didn't forget anything. 

After that I held the door open for her as she walked out. We got in the elevator then got to the lobby. We went to the front desk and both of us check out of our rooms. I guided her outside where there was a car waiting for us. The driver got out to help us with the bags. After that was settled we both sat in the back. 

It was a 30 minute drive to the airport. We were silent for the first ten minutes of the car ride but then she begins to talk "So Charles do you have a boat giving that you live in Monaco?" She asks turning her head to me. "Yeah I do I'll take you out on it sometime if you would like." I say. 

"I would love that. I never got to do those things because my boyfriend never wanted to but I love the ocean!" She says smiling. 

We talk for the rest of the ride. Then we reach the airport and she goes to get her bags from the back but I tell her not to and that the workers would come and get it. Just then a worker came with one of those carts for bags and grabbed our stuff. Aria looked at me confused. I just smiled and told her to come with me. She came and walked next to me, I was so tempted to grab her hand but I didn't know if she would like it or if any people would take a picture and it be on the news a day later. 

She begins to walk to the security but I tell her she's going the wrong way and guide her by putting my  hand on the small of her back and guiding her to the 'private flying only' section. We were greeted with a woman who was holding a tray of refreshments. I grab one and hand it to Aria she takes it and I grab on for myself. We are told that they are ready for us on the plane. We walk down a flight of stairs and through the door to reveal the jet. 

We walk onto the jet and get seated across from each other. 

"Charles why didn't you tell me we were flying private I would have made myself look a little more presentable" She whisper yelled to me. 

"Nonsense you look beautiful." I say the words flying out of my mouth. 

She blushed and looked away and mumbled a thank you. She looked back when the flight attendant came to offer a glass of champagne and told us to fasten our seatbelts and that we could take them off after we were in the air.  We both accepted a glass and clinked out glasses together before taking a sip. 

Her eyes widen and she takes a breath before saying "My god that was the best champagne I've ever had" She said laughing. 

"I'm glad you like it mon amour" I say smiling. I'm glad she likes the champagne I picked out for us. She smiles while drinking more. 

We are starting to take off and I see her tense up. "Are you ok mon ange?" I ask. 

"Yeah I just get really nervous at takeoff it makes my stomach hurt a bit." She says biting her lip. 

"Come here" I say opening my arms for her to come sit with me. The seat was quite big so we could both sit. 

She gladly accepts my arms and comes and nuzzles her head into my chest. I kiss the top of her head while she calms down. 

"Would you like to watch a movie?" I ask. She nods I grab the remote and get the tv to come up from its hidden compartment. 

"What kind of movie love?" I ask while scrolling through the options. 

"Something cool" She responds. So I put on the movie Dune. We sit together like that for a while. She got up to grab a blanket and some snacks. I reclined the chair so our feet were up and backs a bit back. We finished that movie and I realized that she had fell asleep. I didn't want to wake her so I didn't move and I also eventually fell asleep.

I woke up an hour later and she also woke up and decided that we wanted food. So we asked the flight attendant and she brought out some things. We pulled the table from the middle of our seat out and she returned to her seat to eat. 

We ended up with some eggs and fruit. She smiles and takes over the fruit. I tried to steal a few pieces but she wouldn't let me. She eventually gave in and shared with me when I pouted when she didn't give me any. 

After that I watched her pull out a book. She curled up next to me and read while I played chess on my phone. An hour later we landed and got off the plane. We got out bags and got into the Ferrari parked outside for us. I got in the drivers seat and started driving. At this time now it was night in Monaco and we were tired. Monaco was still beautiful in the night. It was even more beautiful now that she was here. 

We parked in front of my apartment and I got our bags out. We made our way up to my house. I open the door and watch her gasp at the door at the view. You could see the sea and a lot of city. 

I could see her calm down while looking at it. "This is so beautiful." she said 

"I know I sit and just watch it all the time" I say. Not as beautiful as you. 

I show her to the guest bedroom and the bathroom. We both part ways to go to bed but I let her know that I'm up the hall. We both go to bed and I can't wait for tomorrow

Word Count: 1500

BYE. you know i really should edit these but i dont 

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