Chapter Forty Nine

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A day before arriving at Kingslanding.

Aerasanne departs Dorne and goes back to Dragonstone the exact day they were about to take off for Kingslanding. To her surprise, the Twins are already waiting for her.

Aerasanne smiles at them.

"You're back. I assume you already have it?" Aerasanne said and the two smiled at her.

"It wasn't that difficult to look for it, we already know where is it. So let's get going?" Daemyra asked.

Aerasanne turned to Daenyra. Daenyra phases towards her and touches her forehead which surprises Aera.

"We still need to take back your soul. You will be needing it in the upcoming war, Aerasanne." Daenyra told.

"Do you know a way?" She asked and Daenyra nodded.

" I already found a way. " Daenyra said.

The three of them leave Dragonstone with Ser Barristan Selmy using a ship to voyage towards Kingslanding.

Aerasanne who's on the dock, staring at the sky. It's already night and the sky is covered with stars and the moon glow brightly on them.

Daemyra walks towards her. "Are you alright?" Daemyra asked. She stands beside the girl and places her arms on the railings while staring at the big ocean ahead.

Aera turned to her. "Yes, I must prevent a lot of people from dying in the great war. What happened in the show traumatized me, seriously what kind of strategy is that?" Aera asked and Daemyra chuckles. Aera was thinking about the fight against the White Walker and how shitty the strategy is.

"The showrunners are getting dumb and dumber by the end of the season. Stop worrying too much, Aera. You will be fine, we're with you" Daemyra reassured.

"I know, do you know what is Daenyra's method? " She asked, she wanted to know how will Daenyra take back her soul from Robb without killing him.

" She's persistent in helping you. During our travel, she scans every book she could see just to find a way to help you and I believe she manages to find something. She cares for you, Aerasanne. Once Daenyra starts caring for someone she will protect them with her life. " Daemyra said while staring at the moon.

Aera thought for a moment. She will not lie, she always felt everything is alright when Daenyra is there. She knows she could rely on them and they will not fail her. She's like the big sister to her, like the way Daenerys calm her.

" I could see that. You and your siblings and lucky to have her and Aegon is a fortunate man." Aera said.

Daemyra smiles remembering everyone from their world, she missed them and couldn't wait to go home. " He is and he knows that. His willingness to change just for Daenyra is a big impact on our world. He's a mess. I never saw him worthy of my sister but I know he's making an effort. " Daemyra said.

Aera sighed." No one will be ever worthy of Daenyra." She whispers. Aerasanne turned to Daemyra. "How about Daeron?"

Daemyra hides her smile. "Daeron is probably the most normal among the Green brothers. He knows when he made a mistake and understands the consequences of it. That must be the reason why I wished for our relationship to work out." Daemyra said.

Aera nodded. "I figured. I find your relationship fascinating, truly. You're the type of person who will go into a war with someone because they insult you and Daeron is the kind of person who will calm you."

Daemyra chuckles. "Daenyra said the same thing and I'm going to sleep. I haven't slept for the past weeks. Goodnight, Aera." Daemyra said before leaving.

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