Chapter Eighteen

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Aera travels back to Westeros leaving Daenerys with Ser Jorah and Daario. She travels back to look for the people she needs to help.

The guardian angel of Westeros.

But the first thing she does is to look for Theon and Ramsay, in the woods near the dreadfort dungeon. Aera runs to them when she saw Myranda and Ramsay running towards a girl with Theon and the dogs.

"Tansy! Tansy! Tansy!" Ramsay's taunt frightened the girl.

Ramsay and Myranda run together, holding hands. They each hold a bow as they run.  They are happy, excited, and enjoying themselves. Theon limps behind them, trying to keep up. The hunting dogs continue to bark.

Aera saw the girl name Tansay running away from the dogs that bark in pursuit. Ramsay notches an arrow, as it hits a tree almost hitting the scared girl.

"If you make it out of the woods, you win! Run, Tansy, run!" Ramsay taunts while laughing with Myranda and Theon looks terrified at whatever will happen to the girl.

When the girl manage to run in a different direction, Aera snatch her hands and placed her hands on the girl's mouth making the girl look at her horrified.

"Shh..." Aera muttered and look upon ahead, they saw the Dogs coming towards them and place the girl behind her. "Close your eyes," Aera said confusing the girl but she did what she was told to.

Aera disappear with the girl, she brought the girl far away from that place into a nearby cottage, abandoned one.

"Open your eyes," Aera said looking around Tansy did what she was told and then opened her eyes, Tansy noticed she was not in the woods anymore.

"H-how?..." The girl's voice trembles. Aera hurriedly grabs the bags in the corner, which contain gold and clothes.

"Listen, Tansy... Run away and never come back. There's dragon gold there, I need you to travel into Essos, to Free Cities. Travel to Meeren and look for their Queen. Tell her... Hāedar and Dārilaros. Tell her I send you. " Aera said looking at the girl who was sobbing. Younger Sister and Princess

" H-how about you? " The girl asked and Aera just gave her a reassuring smile.

" I will be fine, just go to her she will make you safe. Tell her what happened. Tell her... Her Hāedar sent you. " Aera said and the girl nodded even though she was confused. She just wanted to get away from her soon as possible.

The girl hurriedly changes her clothes and she's still trembling then she leaves, the cottage where she finds a horse. Aera signals her to go and doesn't look back.

Aera watched the horse sprint away from the cottage to safety, she smiles looking at the poor innocent girl who will almost get killed because Myranda is jealous of her.

Anger slowly emerges from Aerasanne's body while looking at the woods, a few miles away from the cottage. She hated that man and she was the one to kill him.

Aera goes back to the woods to see that Ramsay and Myranda are still looking for Tansy who disappears from their site, while Theon looks rather relieved that the girl manages to run away.

"Tansy!!! Come out! We just wanted to play!" Myranda yelled and Ramsay laughs.

"Looks like the girl manage to escape, the question is where?" Ramsay said while still looking around, their dogs are with them sniffing the area. "Are you still jealous of a missing girl?" Ramsay asked his partner.

"Me!? Jealous? Of that bitch!?. You must be kidding!" Myranda spat at the man while Theon was on the side trembling.

Aera rolled her eyes and walk away but before she does, she throws a large piece of meat on the ground, letting the dog sniff it. It has Tansy's shredded dress, making everyone think that she died.

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