Chapter Twenty

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Olly listens to the people inside Castle Black talking about how they would take down the wildings, he told them what happened to his family, and to the other villagers.

"There is a girl." Olly started making everyone look at him.

"Whose girl?" Jon asked, thinking that it was Ygritte.

"She fought off the wildings, she succeed. I don't know how but she manages to knock them down, all of them. She's the reason why I am here ." Olly mention making whispers.

No one would believe a boy telling them he was saved by a girl against the wildlings.

"Are you sure?" Jon asked and Olly nodded.

"She didn't kill them but she manage to knock them down, all of them. She told me that it was not her who was supposed to kill them. You have to believe me!" Olly said.

" We believe you," Jon said.

"We don't know who is that girl, how he managed to defeat all of them. Maybe she's just a performer, a wilding, baiting us!" Alliser said.

" No matter who she is, we have to be ready!" Maester Aemon said

" We need to shore up the Castle Black and we need to defend the wall. That is our job!" Alliser declares unknown to them Aera is outside listening to their conversation.


At Meeren where Daenerys manages to conquer it.

Daenerys looked down at the Masters they manage to capture.

"Ser Jorah... Ser Barristan. Finds out who orchestrated the slaves that were nailed into a milestone. Give them the same punishment, as they gave to those who died." Daenerys order.

"Investigate them? Khaleesi?" Ser Jorah asked.

"Aera told me that not all the Master are evil, some of them retaliate by nailing the slaves, I want you to find out who gives the idea of nailing the slaves into a milestone," Daenerys said remembering the time when Aera was there with them.

The Princess told her about the Master, she told her that not all of them should be punished, some of them are innocent. Daenerys must give proper justice, to become a good Queen.

Ser Barristan smiles upon hearing about this, he knows that Daenerys will be a good Queen. But he also knows that Aera should be with them, only the girl could give a piece of proper advice to the Queen.

"For now... Imprison them and once you find out who is it, nail them." Daenerys said and walk away.

Ser Barristan and Jorah looked at each other, and they soon began to do what they were told.


Aera arrives at Kingslanding, in the forest where horses are ready to leave, there stands Jaime, Podrick, and Brienne. Bronn on the background roaming around as he likes.

"I don't need a squire!" Brienne retaliates, removing the smile of Podrick.

"Of course you do." Jaime convince.

"F*ck" Everyone turned around as they hear a girl curse, they saw Aera wearing black leather armor (above), almost tripping on the small rock. She hurriedly stands up and approaches them.

"You saw nothing" Aera warns, making Brienne chuckles. Bronn gave a confused look, Podrick just innocently smile, and Jaime looked surprised and in awe.

"Wait... You're the girl at the wedding?" Bronn asked and Aera nodded.

"Your Bronn..." Aera trails off and approaches Brienne. "Nice armor, isn't it heavy?" Aera asked looking at the Armor.

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