'I have to tell you something...' (evangelia + noah)

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"AGAIN!" I did it again

"AGAIN!" Once more

"AGAIN!" My knees are slowly breaking

"GET HERE NOW!" And I obey

"You are a worthless piece of shit! If you don't bring me that gold I will destroy your career!" I laugh

"Harrison, you should be happy you are still alive! If you don't get me that gold I will destroy your life!" I finally stood up for myself towards him.

He's the only person I've ever let bring me down besides my parents.

"Excuse me! You are nothing without me so you should keep your mouth shut!" He pauses with that stern look of his

"Locker room now!" He continues with... this is about to be a hell of a day. But I do as he say and walk behind him into the locker room. And as soon as the door closes and he checks that it's empty, he locks it.... He pins me to the wall.

"Listen here Evangelia, you need me! So you will do as I say... I love when you act as smart ass but never EVER do that again in front of people!" He says slamming one hand into the wall beside me.

"Now, you honey will be a good girl for me and get changed before I act on my human instincts..." what the fuck does he mean by that!

I start walking to the cafe where I'm supposed to meet Noah... I'm so scared and nervous! What if he still hates me after this.

"Hey Angel!" I hear as soon as I walk in... Angel... maybe he isn't so mad anymore.

"Hey, Noah! You look handsome." He have totally spent an hour picking what to wear and to perfect his hair... you can see it on him. He's just as nervous as me.

""Thank you my beautiful Angel! Now... it's time you finally trust me! I need to know what the hell is going on because I don't want to be without you, but for this to work I need you to talk to me and trust me..." we just stare at each other for a minute...

"Yes! You deserve to know the truth..."I say giving a sigh before continuing.

"I have not seen them in years, they disowned me when I was 12... so no I didn't tell them, because I don't talk to them, I don't see them and I hoped I never would ever again..."

"Im so-"

"No, no pity shit! I'm better of without and there's only one thing I'm more grateful for in life than growing up without them. They are kind of psychos and yeah... a fan of arranged marriages and money..." I mumble the last part


"Nothing, it's just this is a part of my life that I don't want to be a part of me! It's not it's a part of who I was... it made me who I am but I don't want it to be my life's story... Azaria is their daughter, she's the one who they destroyed. But Evangelia is the woman who was made and created by their mistakes."

"So Azaria is your birth name? that's what they called you..." he asks, scared he will say the wrong things.

"Yes, Azaria shirazi..."

"So when you were at mitchko's house... that makes sense, you said you were one of the girls but he had never had an Evangelia. Because he knew you as-"

"Azaria Shirazi" I gulp at the name... I love it, it's beautiful but there is sooo much pain invested in it.

"I always told Isla when we were kids that if I ever decided to have children and I got a daughter... I would name her Azaria" I say laughing.

"When did you get to know each other?"

"When I left home at 12 I walked... a long way, until I found a B&B and started working there as a housekeeper. The B&B was owned by Islas parents, so I grew up with them, Giovani, Luca and Isla. My found family!" I say smiling at the flashbacks of us as kids.

"I'm really sorry you had to go through all that! I wished you didn't!" He tell me

"If I hadn't I would never bee here or have met you so I'm happy I did." That one thing that was better than my parents disowning me is him... I love him!

"In that case I am too, wait that sounded wrong! I did no-"

"Noah breath I know what you mean!"

We continue speaking for a while about everything until he drops the bomb...

"Evangelia I really need to tell you something..."

I feel like an idiot! I should have just let her speak. But I had to be so fucking stubborn! Now I understand a lot more than I thought about her. Why she always avoided speaker of her family and she continuously spoke of how she was kinda jealous of the relationship I had with my family.

She's been through a lot on her 19 years on earth.

"So you have been through more on your 19 years on earth than most in their whole lives!"

"I'm 20..." what?


"It's my birthday today... so I'm 20."
What! Now that I think back... I don't think she have ever told me that!

"Why didn't you'd at something?"

"Well not even Isla knows my birthday, I hate birthdays parties and all that stuff. I see nothing special about it!" Really?

"But you live making party's for others and making their birthdays a thing?" I say

"Yeeeeees I always wanted to be like a wedding planner and party planner as a child!" I laugh a little, cute!

"But the one person I have ever told... is coming today and I'm soooooo excited! Natasha is the one who kept me alive when we ere stuck at mitchko's" hmmm she never mentioned her.

"You've never mentioned her... why?"

"I don't know! I thought I had, but apparently not. I love her!" Love... I love you Angel!

Fuck how can I do this to her! Here we are making amends and I'm hiding this big secret! It's not fair.

"Evangelia I really need to tell you something..."

Authors note:
Okay I kinda like this chapter like a lot! I feel like this cliffhanger is just making y'all hate me even more... sorry loves!
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Word count: 1074

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