Grace (Evagelia + Noah -TW-)

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Oh god she has the most beautiful eyes, the green just compliments her skin tone so perfectly! I can't hear a thing she's saying I just stare at her eyes....

"Now would let you all start but since Noah has decided not to listen to a word and just stand there staring instead! I have to go through it all again" all the guys grunt and look at me. Yeah she really doesn't mind just throwing me under the bus like that. Now I'm in an awkward position, I mean everyone understands that I'm attracted to her and so does she...

We hear the girl giggle from the bench and all eyes turn there.

"Oh and if I see anyone looking, talking or touching her so help me god I will destroy you" she adds, saying it with a death stare. Like I just saw my life flash before me while she looked at us with it!

"Now like I said today we will in our pair put together the routine and work it through. Perfect it add some things if you want I don't mind! If you want help with a step or move just ask and I will help. This is the last practice to work at the number tomorrow there will be a little audience, watching all pairs and there will be a small friendly competition! So I expect you to make me proud!" What! I didn't realize tomorrow was the last practice witch her. Shit I really don't want it to be!

"Will you be in the pair with me?" I ask her

"No I actually decided that you were going to be alone doing something you've never actually done before!" She tells me in a sarcastic voice.

"Yes Noah of course I'll be in a pair with you just like we have been all week" now she's standing right in front of me while the rest have started.

"You know you could be in a pair with me forever" I say winking at her.

"Yeah sure I'll sign you up for figure skating in pair courses!" She say with one eyebrow up. She's sarcastic again... well worth a try I guess!

"Evangelia what are you doing" i look at her hand just above my waistline... then I realized she wasn't trying to seduce she was slowly loosing her balance. I grip her by the waist pulling her closer.

"When was the last time you rested" I look straight in her eyes.

"Well it depends, what do you certify as resting" that means I don't know, I look at her with an 'this is not a joking type of time'

"Take it easy Prince Charming! It's not that serious I jus lost my balance it happens." She looks at me just fine so I give her a nod.

"You can let go of me now!" I stare "I told you I wasn't going to... ever." A long intense stare take place between us.

"Well you have to so we can practice a lift for the competition soooo..." oh shit right, I then let go of her.

"I was thinking the dirty dancing lift" she tells me.

"Yeah let's try it"

We try the lift multiple times, until I see Brandon with grace...

" Wait a second!" I skate towards her fast

"What did I tell you Brandon! No talking, no looking and no touching! still here you are looking at her, talking to her and holding your hand on hers" he quickly moves it away

"I just wanted to ask her out she's hot" he tells me my blood is boiling

"She's 16 and you my are 29 so I suggest you leave her alone no!"

"What it's just a date" he tells me with a straight face, he's not fucking kidding!

"Isle NOW!" "I.SAID,FUCKING,NOW" everyone turned their heads towards us, questioning what's going on. Noah quickly gets to my side

"Noah stay with grace" I tell him as I see her eyes starting to tear up. Shit I made her fucking cry! He just nods and stays behind.

"Brandon listen to me and listen fucking carefully. You better be kidding me she's a child and your a fucking adult! 13 YEARS FUCKING OLDER!"

"What it's no biggie 13 years so what!"

At this time Mr. Samuelson has been listening to the whole conversation and steps in
"Brandon you are suspended from the team until further notice."

"But-" he tries to add

"No buts do what I say, this means you have to leave."

"You bitch this is your fucking fault" and one more slap on that same cheek... what is it with men and slapping women!

"For your sake you better fucking apologize" I tell him

"Or what?" He answers with sass

"I'll make your life miserable for ever setting eyes on her wait that's I was already going to do that... what about sending you to a prison! I mean I'm the owner of a security company ever heard of 'Black enterprise' yeah that's mine! And I have no problem using my power to destroy you further" I say smiling

"Your fucking crazy!" He says

"Yes I am! I'm crazy, and I'm definitely a psycho so I suggest you start calling your lawyers" I add with an even bigger smile

"You should go" Marcus joins

And that he does! He leaves and his I will destroy him into so many pieces no one will be able to help him

"I'm so sorry abou-"

"First of don't say that to me, but say it to her. Second of all it's not your fault he's a fucking pedophile"

I walk out totally done with the day "practice is over see you all tomorrow" I shout

"You can go now Noah" I tell him

"Lia what happened" he says looking at my red cheek

"Doesn't matter!"

"Did he hit you?" He pauses "DID.HE.FUCKING.HIT.YOU!" He says with gritted teeth.

"Noah drop it!" I plead

"Don't make me repeat myself!" He gives me a look that actually scares me...

"Fine yes, yes he did! You happy now?" His face turned red and his eyes turned black...

" You think I'm fucking happy I'll kill him!"

"Noah don't I'll handle it trust me"

He doesn't stop, he just leaves! Fucking hell

"I'm so sorry grace I didn't know! Okay I promise I will make him suffer!!!!"

"It's okay Angie I thought you would be mad at me..."

"Oh no please I would never be mad at you he's a disgusting piece of shit and I promise you my love I will make sure he knows it!"

"Thank you" she says while crying.

"Don't ever thank me for things like this!" My heart breaks....

Authors note:
Well Brandon seemed so sweet! Thing aren't always what they look like I guess...

Word count: 1144

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