The office (Evangelia -TW-)

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He's at my office, why did I let him come? I don't know okay he asked and I was shocked and here he is. Astonished that I know how to shoot with a gun. Little does he know I know how to use almost every military weapon there is riffle, shotgun hand grenade weapons and other weapons. I have to with the people I guard sometime.

I have known how to fight since I was disowned, I met some bad people and was involved in bad things, but they did teach me the things that got me here. And some are still a part of my life because I somewhat consider them family!

He gets a phone call from Johnny, asking if he wanted to go out and do something, but Noah said he was occupied.

"Ask him to come here" I tell him poor Johnny is a special soul, plus he would love it here! Noah didn't tell him why he was here or that I was, he just told him to come and johnny agreed. Like I said a special soul...

The door opens and I hear johnnys voice " I'm here to see my friend Noah I don't understand why he woul-" and he just sees the two of us and look at us weirdly. "What in the world is going on here?"

"Lia is the owner of Black enterprise" Noah tells him. Before Johnny could answer I interrupt with "who told you, you could call me Lia cause I sure as hell didn't!" He just winks back

"Wait do you really? Aren't you like a millionaire then?" They both stare at me for an answer, Noah quickly adds "valid question didn't even think about that!"

"No I'm not a millionaire..." Johnny interiors before I get to Finnish "bummer!"

"Like I said not a millionaire but I am a billionaire" they look at me like they've seen a ghost. Chelsea laughs and so so I.

"What is it so hard to believe that a 19 year old woman could be a Self made billionaire?"
And then they quickly fix their faces and just say no of course not.

Before we could finish my training officer Jason joined us. "I can't they're all stupid I'm going to beat the shot out of them! Their egos are bigger than the earth could fit!" I laugh and respond with "I think you should stop that do you remember when you trained here?" "Yes I do and this, this is bad Evangelia, really fucking bad" he tells me. He never ever use my full name! Which means it really is bad...

"Well I guess I could teach them one thing or another" I say with a big grin on my face.

"You would destroy their egos, I mean they have to chill down but we can't break them!" I just stare

"Let's go break some testosterone filled egos, god sometimes I love my job"

Johnny and Noah are walking down to the training rooms with us to watch, it's the perfect way ti make sure to listen to my rules. I mean I won't be kind on these boys! It's been way to long since I did a few rounds in the ring so I'm pumped!!!

"Well hello boys! Who's up for a match?" They look at me like I'm crazy

"One who are you? And two I don't fight small girls!" He's gonna regret that, like really fucking regret it.

I walk up to him "sweetheart I wouldn't if I were you, I really fucking wouldn't!"

"What are you gonna do about it!" I laugh I straight up laugh

"In the ring Now!" I demand de doesn't budge "NOW" he literally runs for his life straight into the ring
"If you are so sure, no rules! You give up you tap otherwise knockout.... Jason count us in"

"3...2...1... start"

He is hesitant at first so I analyze, and I instantly find his flaw... his right leg. But I let him get in the first so he's ego really come trough. Then I attack and in two seconds he's down.

"One I'm the boss, the bosses bosses boss,"
Then down again.

"Two don't ever, ever, underestimate someone for their size or gender! That's how you get killed on the job"
and he's down a third time.

"Three don't EVER speak to another human in such a degrading manner"
and I fully attack making a neck hold with my legs on the ground with my new red bottom boots leaving a mark once he tap out.

"Four never think so highly of yourself it's a disgusting behavior, I don't have people like that on my team. If you want even the slightest chance of getting on it, I suggest you all take a second to think about the disgusting behavior you have!"
And they look scared really fucking scared everyone in the room. I mean the guy is 6'4 weigh at least double me and is now laying on the ground with teary eyes. And I did it all in heals! I would be scared to!

"So I think we've all learnt something now haven't we?" The all nod in synchronization. I love having this sort of power knowing they'll do what I say, I mean these boys needed to learn or they would have died. And I never want to make a home visits ever again telling someone's parent their daughter or son died while working in my service! That means I failed to train them, ego is the biggest killer in this business. So it's for their own good!

"Now if you excuse me I'm going shopping for a new bag" and I just walk out with Noah and Johnny at my tail.

"So you guys down for a little shopping?" I ask them exited. They just looks scared while nodding. Gosh I love my job I really do! It's better then fearing me than seeing me as their bait. Now they know what I'm capable of, I mean this is not even a small proportion of my abilities if I'm honest. But hey I'm not one to brag!

"So first stop is Hermés, they have the bracket I want in right now so" while I'm walking I start to get really fucking dizzy I mean I haven't eaten in days and I both skates and had a small little fight. Shit I'm stupid.

"I just have to go to the toilet quickly" I slightly run to the bathroom and when I get in I quickly lock before falling to my knees. Shit holy notched fucking shit, I see black...

Authors note:
I mean is it braving if it's true? It depends right?
Don't forget to vote!
Word count: 1131

i see youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें