Til Death Do Us Part (Trickster)

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A/N: Heyo! Thank you to @LuaKitsune for the request! I really appreciate it! I hope you like it! :)


Singing echoed through the dark forest. The voice was masculine, but angelic is some strange way. It was quite thrilling to listen to.

The singing fell upon your ears as you rested nearby the stream. You always seemed to be by the stream while observing the other side. Constantly pondering. Pondering strategies, memories, conversations, theories. Pondering anything.

Curiosity grew as the singing seemed to be getting closer. The voice was almost beckoning you to cross into dangerous territory to find the source. Although, you had a feeling of who that voice belonged to.

The Trickster. The psycho celebrity killer who gets his serotonin from the screams of his victims. The man who wears the most bright and obnoxious, yet stylish outfits in all the realm.

That voice had to belong to him. He was the only known male to sing in this cursed realm. He was a former K-Pop star after all. It would only make sense.

His singing seemed different today. There was no hint of malicious intent or ill will in his voice. How unusual.

You slowly followed the voice along the edge of the stream. You carefully listened and awaited to see the Trickster. It was like you were eager to see him, actually...maybe you were.

Strange feelings had stirred up within you whenever you thought of Ji-Woon. There was this underlying longing to see that psychotic killer. A strong desire which had eluded you for quite some time. Even in the trials, you had a longing to see him. Maybe you were ill.

The annoyingly bright yellow coat was spotted in the distance. He was definitely the source of the voice.

As you slowly approached the edge of the river, he caught sight of you. The lavender-haired man rushed towards the edge of his side. An innocent smile was pasted onto his pale face. Excitement flickered within his unnatural yellow eyes.

The Trickster hummed. "Hello my little angel. How are we today?"

"Fine I suppose, you?" You responded, folding your arms.

Disappointment lingered throughout your body. Even after all this time, he still called you his "little angel". You found this to be quite annoying, but intriguing as well. No matter how many times you fought him on not using that nickname, your words had fell deaf to his ears. No point in fighting it since it did not cause any actual harm.

"What are you doing all the way out by the stream? Has my voice entranced you?" He smirked.

"Yes it did. Although I was hoping to see someone more...handsome." You smiled.

The purple-haired man scoffed, seemingly offended. "Hmph! More handsome?! Am I not attractive enough for you?"

"Call me when you get on Felix's level." You chuckled.

He frowned for a moment, but began to laugh. At least he took the joke well.

"Well on a serious note...what has you so happy? Your voice...your singing seems different." You spoke.

This question had been plaguing your mind since you heard his voice. The Trickster enjoyed hearing the screams of others, yet there was no one to scream. That only occurred within the trials. What could have him in such a good mood?

"So you noticed? Nobody has seemed to noticed! You have keen ears sweet Y/N!" He eagerly smiled.

"So it would seem. What has you in a good mood?" You asked, slightly tilting your head.

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