GG (Feng Min)

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A/N: Thank you so much to @Valkxk for requesting this! I hope you enjoy this! :)


The familiar dark fog ceased and revealed the looming tower in the Eerie of Crows. A small smile formed on your lips as you walked towards the tower. You actually liked this area quite a bit.

Eerie of Crows was considered a survivor sided area. Many pallets. Large amount of distance. Big spacing between generators. Perfect for any veteran survivor.

With each step you took, tiny grains of sand were kicked up and managed to ease their way into your shoes. You did not mind it though. This place beats the cold snow on Ormond and the intense heat in Dead Dog Saloon.

You immediately spotted the generator within the middle of strange large building. You instantly began your work on it as it was a good one to get out of the way. There have been times that this crucial generator was not completed and it costed you and your team the trial.

Not long after, you spotted a familiar pink rabbit jacket running straight towards the generator. You smiled as Feng Min quickly began her repairs to your right. It had been a long time since you last had a trial together.

Feng Min was by far one of your most reliable teammates. She could run the killers around for quite awhile and she could quickly work on generators. This generator should be finished in no time as long as the killer does not sudden make an appearance.

Something dark red caught your attention as you prevented the generator from exploding. You quietly noticed Ada joining the two of you on the generator. She began her repairs on the left of the rusty machine. Having three teammates repairing a generator was quite rare, but this generator will surely be done in no time.

Feng Min released an audible sigh of annoyance. Ada huffed with an angry expression on her face. You slightly tensed as you caught on to the insane amount of tension in the air. From what you could tell, the two seemed angry with each other. Hopefully this would not causes problems within the trial.

Suddenly the generator exploded on the left side. You glanced over towards a distressed Ada as she jumped back from the machine. You ignore the missed skill check and continued with the repairs. The generator was so close to being finished anyways. A couple more seconds could not hurt at the moment.

The generator exploded again on the same side. You ignored it again and continued the repairs, but Feng Min stopped her repairs altogether. What was going on?

"If you can't hit the skill checks, don't get on the generator." Feng Min spoke, irritation in her voice.

"I hit the ones before." Ada hastily protested.

Feng Min hissed, "Just find a different generator. We don't need you bringing the killer to us. Go be useless else where."

"You know, I am sick and tired of your smug attitude. You think you are all that, but you aren't. I recall you missing a skill check last trial." The red dressed woman retorted with anger, halting her repairs on the generator.

"I missed a single ONE! You missed god knows how many last time! You got me killed last trial." The gamer countered.

You quietly continued to finish the generator while the two argued. Whatever happened last trial did not go down well. It was what you could manage figured out at least.

The generator was finished not long after, but the two women were still yelling at each other. How the killer had not arrived yet was beyond you, but you guessed they were busy with Sheva. There was no way to tell for sure since you were the obsession, but it was the only realistic notion you could come up with for now.

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